upgrading WKT error

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at POBOX.COM
Wed Nov 29 12:05:18 EST 2006

Jeppe Lund Andersen wrote:
> Hello  
> I have upgraded from 4.8.1 to mapserver 4.10
> and gotten the files from ms4w_1.6
> and using php 4.4.2 on a windows IIS.
> this is using GDAL 1.3.2 and is installed with GEOS
> the code I made works fine on 4.8.1 and can show the WKT strings Iam 
> storing in the Database ( only problem is that GDAL is version 1.3.1 and 
> does not support WKT strings over 512).
> now in the new mapserver 4.10 I get this error
> msOGRFileNextShape(): Column WKT requested for geometry, but it does not 
> exist
> I know that the WKT coln exist because it running on exact same code 
> that I do on 4.8.1 and there it works fine.


This error message comes from the OGR ODBC driver when it
asks the lower level CPL ODBC code for the column name "WKT"
and it is not found.  This likely means that for some reason
the newer ODBC code in gdal/port is not recognising this as a
valid or understandable column for some reason.

Could you download FWTools and try it to see what an ogrinfo report
for the layer shows?

> Second error is if I try to use ms_shapeObjFromWkt()
> $NewShapeFromWkt = ms_shapeObjFromWkt( $wktstreng['wkt'] );
> I will get this error
> GEOSShapeFromWKT(): Error reading WKT geometry "POLYGON ((524401.01456 
> 6256859.53403,524393.08587 6256832.01146,524379.23346 
> 6256832.1026,524389.25823 6256860.90105))"
> is it because this is build with GEOS or is it because of the changed 
> from mapserver 4.8 to 4.10 ?

When built with geos and ogr, mapserver will use the geos wkt translation
in preference to the ogr wkt translation.  But I'm not sure why this isn't
working.  The WKT geometry looks valid to me.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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