SOLVED: Sudden death of mapserver appliation

Ben Sims benjaminsims at YAHOO.COM
Wed Nov 29 11:41:42 EST 2006

For the archives, this problem was caused by the PHP version being changed (backwards, by an overzealous package manager). Was able to solve by recompiling Mapserver and PHP


----- Original Message ----
From: Ben Sims <benjaminsims at YAHOO.COM>
Sent: Thursday, 23 November, 2006 10:50:03 AM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Sudden death of mapserver appliation


I recently developed and deployed my first mapserver application. After finally sorting out the installation process, it went well and seemed stable.

However, yesterday the map generation was failing with the following error:

Warning: dl(): Unable to load dynamic library
'/usr/lib/php4/' - /usr/lib/php4/
undefined symbol: php_sprintf 
Fatal error:  Call to undefined function:  ms_newmapobj()

Searching for the above comes up with not much (see for example - libraries look normal, and nothing has been changed there)

The only recent things changed on this server:

 - the admin making apache config changes. He says that he has removed them and the server is as before
- I installed some python libraries. Could this have messed up the libraries linked by mapserver?

Could anybody give me any pointers as to the sorts of things that might cause this?


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