AJAX for panning

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM
Wed Nov 15 06:24:52 PST 2006

I don't think is require the mapserver cgi, that is just the default 
implementation. there is a get_url() function that generates the image 
url based on the image extents and there is no reason that you could not 
call mapscript for this. I think it just expects that the url will 
return an image.


Stefan Schwarzer wrote:
> Thanks Stephen,
> looks nice. But I have the impression that it only works with the 
> mapserver CGI and not with MapScript/PHP (as one has to indicate the 
> path to the cgi in the CDATA section). Correct?
> Stef
>> Stefan Schwarzer wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> is there any "easy" solution to a nice panning, so that the user can 
>>> click on the map and drag it, and only the map (not the whole page) 
>>> is redrawn?
>>> I know if kamap, which does it, but that seems to be pretty complex 
>>> and adds other functionality which I don't need.
>>> Thanks for any hints,
>>> Stefan
>> Try http://datacrossing.crs4.it/en_Documentation_mscross.html
>> I like this because it is very small and and a good easy to use 
>> lightweight mapping application.
>> -Steve W

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