Style Symbol Problem

Peter Freimuth pf at MAPMEDIA.DE
Mon Nov 27 03:01:22 EST 2006

René F. Viancos S. schrieb:
> Hi Peter, the classitem sentence is at the begining of the layer 
> definition...
> i can't isolate the error... i dont know whath's wrong...
> Kind Regards
> 2006/11/26, Peter Freimuth < pf at <mailto:pf at>>:
>     René F. Viancos S. schrieb:
>     > Hi users, i have a big problem with symbols in my AVL webmapping
>     > system. the system always show the same symbol....
>     >
>     >
>     <>
>     > <>
>     >
>     >
>     > I have a symbol file called symbols.sym, like in GMAP, and the
>     > following symbols defined (arrow angles)
>     >
>     > #1
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "1"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/0.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #2
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "2"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/15.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #3
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "3"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/30.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #4
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "4"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/45.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #5
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "5"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/60.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #6
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "6"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/75.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #7
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "7"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/90.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #8
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "8"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/105.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #9
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "9"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/120.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #10
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "10"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/135.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #11
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "11"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/150.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #12
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "12"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/165.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #13
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "13"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/180.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #14
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "14"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/195.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #15
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "15"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/210.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #16
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "16"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/225.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #17
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "17"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/240.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #18
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "18"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/255.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #19
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "19"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/270.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #20
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "20"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/285.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #21
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "21"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/300.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #22
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "22"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/315.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #23
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "23"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/330.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #24
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "24"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/345.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     > #25
>     > SYMBOL
>     >   NAME "25"
>     >   TYPE PIXMAP
>     >   IMAGE "../htdocs/images/360.gif"
>     >   TRANSPARENT 3
>     > END
>     >
>     >
>     > and i have dumped de mapObj in a map file, in order to check the
>     > different symbol id's for each style symbol , and the layer that has
>     > the symbols in this map file ( is shown as follows:
>     >
>     > LAYER
>     >     CLASSITEM "id_pos"
>     >     CONNECTION "user=postgres password=2wsdfsw234rfwersw2efr4
>     > dbname=localiza_dev host= <>
>     <>"
>     >     DATA "the_geom from (SELECT AS id_pos,
>     > adm_vehiculos.id_vehiculo AS id_vehiculo, client_avlsrv.id_avl AS
>     > id_avl, adm_empresa_cliente.id_cliente AS id_cliente, pos_utm AS
>     > the_geom, client_avlsrv.t AS fecha_hora, vel, ang, nombres,
>     apellidos,
>     > marca, patente, tipo_vehiculo, substring(nombres from 0 for
>     position('
>     > ' in (nombres || ' '))) || ' ' || substring(apellidos from 0 for
>     > position(' ' in (apellidos || ' '))) as nombre_apellido  FROM
>     > ((((client_avlsrv JOIN adm_conductores ON
>     (client_avlsrv.id_conductor
>     > = adm_conductores.id_conductor)) JOIN adm_avls ON (adm_avls.id_avl =
>     > client_avlsrv.id_avl)) JOIN adm_empresa_cliente ON
>     > (adm_empresa_cliente.id_cliente = adm_conductores.id_cliente)) JOIN
>     > adm_vehiculos ON (adm_vehiculos.id_avl = adm_avls.id_avl)) WHERE
>     > IN (12998,12997,12995,12993,12992) ORDER BY
>     > DESC ) AS foo using srid=32719 using unique
>     id_pos"
>     >     LABELITEM "patente"
>     >       METADATA
>     >       END
>     >     NAME "Movil localiza"
>     >     STATUS ON
>     >     TEMPLATE "query.php"
>     >     TYPE POINT
>     >     UNITS METERS
>     >     CLASS
>     >       NAME "Movil Patente 0"
>     >       LABEL
>     >         ANGLE 0.000000
>     >         ANTIALIAS TRUE
>     >         FONT "sans"
>     >         MAXSIZE 5
>     >         MINSIZE 5
>     >         SIZE 2
>     >         TYPE TRUETYPE
>     >         BUFFER 2
>     >         COLOR 0 0 0
>     >         FORCE TRUE
>     >         MINDISTANCE -1
>     >         MINFEATURESIZE -1
>     >         OFFSET 0 0
>     >         OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255
>     >         PARTIALS TRUE
>     >         POSITION UC
>     >       END
>     >       METADATA
>     >       END
>     >       STYLE
>     >         ANGLE 360
>     >         BACKGROUNDCOLOR 255 0 0
>     >         COLOR 255 0 0
>     >         OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 255
>     >         SIZE 25
>     >         SYMBOL 19
>     >       END
>     >       TEMPLATE "query.html"
>     >     END
>     >     CLASS
>     >       NAME "Movil Patente 1"
>     >       LABEL
>     >         ANGLE 0.000000
>     >         ANTIALIAS TRUE
>     >         FONT "sans"
>     >         MAXSIZE 5
>     >         MINSIZE 5
>     >         SIZE 2
>     >         TYPE TRUETYPE
>     >         BUFFER 2
>     >         COLOR 0 0 0
>     >         FORCE TRUE
>     >         MINDISTANCE -1
>     >         MINFEATURESIZE -1
>     >         OFFSET 0 0
>     >         OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255
>     >         PARTIALS TRUE
>     >         POSITION UC
>     >       END
>     >       METADATA
>     >       END
>     >       STYLE
>     >         ANGLE 360
>     >         BACKGROUNDCOLOR 255 0 0
>     >         COLOR 255 0 0
>     >         OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 255
>     >         SIZE 25
>     >         SYMBOL 2
>     >       END
>     >       TEMPLATE "query.html"
>     >     END
>     >     CLASS
>     >       NAME "Movil Patente 2"
>     >       LABEL
>     >         ANGLE 0.000000
>     >         ANTIALIAS TRUE
>     >         FONT "sans"
>     >         MAXSIZE 5
>     >         MINSIZE 5
>     >         SIZE 2
>     >         TYPE TRUETYPE
>     >         BUFFER 2
>     >         COLOR 0 0 0
>     >         FORCE TRUE
>     >         MINDISTANCE -1
>     >         MINFEATURESIZE -1
>     >         OFFSET 0 0
>     >         OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255
>     >         PARTIALS TRUE
>     >         POSITION UC
>     >       END
>     >       METADATA
>     >       END
>     >       STYLE
>     >         ANGLE 360
>     >         BACKGROUNDCOLOR 255 0 0
>     >         COLOR 255 0 0
>     >         OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 255
>     >         SIZE 25
>     >         SYMBOL 2
>     >       END
>     >       TEMPLATE "query.html"
>     >     END
>     >     CLASS
>     >       NAME "Movil Patente 3"
>     >       LABEL
>     >         ANGLE 0.000000
>     >         ANTIALIAS TRUE
>     >         FONT "sans"
>     >         MAXSIZE 5
>     >         MINSIZE 5
>     >         SIZE 2
>     >         TYPE TRUETYPE
>     >         BUFFER 2
>     >         COLOR 0 0 0
>     >         FORCE TRUE
>     >         MINDISTANCE -1
>     >         MINFEATURESIZE -1
>     >         OFFSET 0 0
>     >         OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255
>     >         PARTIALS TRUE
>     >         POSITION UC
>     >       END
>     >       METADATA
>     >       END
>     >       STYLE
>     >         ANGLE 360
>     >         BACKGROUNDCOLOR 255 0 0
>     >         COLOR 255 0 0
>     >         OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 255
>     >         SIZE 25
>     >         SYMBOL 17
>     >       END
>     >       TEMPLATE "query.html"
>     >     END
>     >     CLASS
>     >       NAME "Movil Patente 4"
>     >       LABEL
>     >         ANGLE 0.000000
>     >         ANTIALIAS TRUE
>     >         FONT "sans"
>     >         MAXSIZE 5
>     >         MINSIZE 5
>     >         SIZE 2
>     >         TYPE TRUETYPE
>     >         BUFFER 2
>     >         COLOR 0 0 0
>     >         FORCE TRUE
>     >         MINDISTANCE -1
>     >         MINFEATURESIZE -1
>     >         OFFSET 0 0
>     >         OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255
>     >         PARTIALS TRUE
>     >         POSITION UC
>     >       END
>     >       METADATA
>     >       END
>     >       STYLE
>     >         ANGLE 360
>     >         BACKGROUNDCOLOR 255 0 0
>     >         COLOR 255 0 0
>     >         OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 255
>     >         SIZE 25
>     >         SYMBOL 23
>     >       END
>     >       TEMPLATE "query.html"
>     >     END
>     >   END
>     >
>     > i don't know what's wrong..
>     >
>     > Can anybody help me ??
>     >
>     >
>     > Regards
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > --
>     > René F. Viáncos S.
>     > Director
>     > Centro de Computación
>     > e Informática, CICULS
>     > Universidad de la Serena
>     > Tel (56-51) 204269
>     > rviancos at <mailto:rviancos at>
>     <mailto:rviancos at <mailto:rviancos at>>
>     > <> < >
>     Dear René,
>     if i don't miss something there is no CLASSITEM in the Layer and no
>     EXPRESSION in the different CLASSE's. So Mapserver draws all items
>     with
>     the style of your first class. All others are not taken into account.
>     Just define an expression in each CLASS to do the classification
>     and it
>     should work as expected.
>     Kind regards,
>     Peter
>     --
>     Mit freundlichem Gruß
>     Peter Freimuth
>     _________________________________________________
>     MapMedia GmbH
>     Kartographie und raumbezogene Informationssysteme
>     Heilbronner Straße 10
>     D-10711 Berlin Charlottenburg
>     fon:  +49.(0)30.89 06 82 70
>     fax:  +49.(0)30.89 06 82 73
>     mail: pf at <mailto:pf at>
>     net: <>
>     pgp:  on demand
>     _________________________________________________
> -- 
> René F. Viáncos S.
> Director
> Centro de Computación
> e Informática, CICULS
> Universidad de la Serena
> Tel (56-51) 204269
> rviancos at <mailto:rviancos at>
> <>
> _______________________
> La información contenida en esta transmisión (y sus documentos 
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> transmisión puede ser sancionado civil y criminalmente de conformidad 
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> transmitido con la autorización previa de ellos. 
I missed this. But where are the EXPRESSION's to classify your 
datapoints into your classes? Have a look at EXPRESSIONS in the CLASS 
Section of Mapserver Doku!
Kind regards,

Mit freundlichem Gruß

Peter Freimuth
MapMedia GmbH
Kartographie und raumbezogene Informationssysteme

Heilbronner Straße 10
D-10711 Berlin Charlottenburg

fon:  +49.(0)30.89 06 82 70
fax:  +49.(0)30.89 06 82 73
mail: pf at
pgp:  on demand

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