no output for web template with 4.10 cgi

piero cavalieri piero.cavalieri at HEIDI.IT
Tue Nov 7 02:52:39 PST 2006

I think it's not a layer problem, because this map file was used also 2 
years ago with gmap demo application (that from dmsolutions, with php 
and the java applet), then with a .net (pure post) and then with 
.net/ajax, and never had this problem. Tested on a WinXp and 
Win2003Server and was ok.
I think I'll try to take exatly the same configuration I still have on 
the Win2003 (which uses 4.6), and then replace with 4.10. If I'll still 
have the problem, I'll try to isolate it.


Steve Lime ha scritto:
> I'm not using an HTML legend in this case. Seems like a layer problem
> as you noted in follow-up messages.
> Steve
>>>> Steve Lime <Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US> 11/6/2006 1:02:57 PM >>>
> Checking into this...
> Steve
>>>> piero cavalieri <piero.cavalieri at HEIDI.IT> 11/3/2006 11:28:57 AM
> Hi all,
> I use cgi 4.10 (tried both from DMSolutions and TWtools)  and do a 
> request like this:
> http://localhost/Scripts/mapserv.exe?map=D:/Web/Site/HGis/
> My web template file is an xml file:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
> <map>
>  <img value="[img]"/>
>  <mapwidth value="[mapwidth]"/>
>  <mapheight value="[mapheight]"/>
>  <scalebar value="[scalebar]"/>
>  <referenceMap value="[ref]"/>
>  <imgxy value="[center]"/>
>  <imgext value="[mapext]"/>
>  <legend>
>      <![CDATA[
>      [legend]
>      ]]>
>  </legend>
> </map>
> With 4.6 cgi this worked fine.
> Then I had to format/reinstall my WindowsXp and tried 4.10, but with
> the 
> same web application I have the following cgi output:
> msDrawMap(): Layer 5 (laghi), 0.079s msDrawMap(): Layer 11 (i_dep_p),
> 0.078s
> instead of the xml file from web template.  In temp dir I have all the
> images created for the  request (map, scalebar ecc.), so cgi
> installation
> seems to be ok.
> I don't try using the old 4.6 (because I don't have it any more).
> Anyone 
> could give an advice please ?
> Thanks
>     Piero

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