mapserver with fastcgi support

kris rock kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM
Tue Nov 14 16:26:09 EST 2006

Hello all, 
      i configured mapserver with fastcgi support on a windows machine with apache webserver. Downloaded the mod_fastcgi-2.4.2-AP20.dll from fastcgi website and copied into the modules folder in apache. Added the following line to the apache conf file 
  LoadModule fastcgi_module "modules/mod_fastcgi-2.4.2-AP20.dll"
  but this doesnt make fastcgi work with apache and mapserver. I tested this by sending a request to the sde server and see if only one connection is opened for the database, but everytime i send a request a new connection opens and closes as soon as the request is finished.  
  Is there something else that i have to do for fastcgi working with apache and mapserver.
  Thanks for your time

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