help: getInteger(): Symbol definition error. Parsing error near ():(line 138)

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Tue Nov 7 10:16:24 EST 2006

You'd need to post the offending portion of the mapfile...


>>> Janeks Kamerovskis <janeks.kamerovskis at SILVA.LV> 11/07/06 7:14 AM >>>
Hi, Mapserver users!

Could somebody help me with error in subj.?

I have symbol file that looks o'k, but I am getting error on last line of it
(f.ex. 138 in this case).
Nothing changes if I am changing places of different simbol's definintions!
What could be wrong?

Thanks in advance
Janeks Kamerovskis
Mežsaimniecības konsultants
Metsaliitto Latvia Sia
tel. +371 7804352
fax. +371 7804340
mob. +37129191109

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