Converting values returned my mapserver
Steve Lime
Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Tue Nov 28 22:18:53 PST 2006
I'm sorry but what you're trying to do isn't possible with MapServer as
it sits. You
have to pre-compute the km/hr values in another column.
>>> Adrian Versteegen <A.Versteegen at BOM.GOV.AU> 11/28/06 5:08 PM >>>
Apologies if this is a duplicate message, the original seemed to be
rejected by the listserv server..
We have weather observations with the wind speed values in the shapefile
in knots. Our customer wants the values displayed in km/h.
I am using a cgi/wms arrangement and have tried various combinations of
LABELITEM, EXPRESSION and TEXT to multiply the [Max_Wnd_Gus] attribute
by the conversion constant, so the following options in the map file
tried individually or collectively give the results shown:
LABELITEM ("Max_Wnd_Gus" * 1.85) - gives an error,
EXPRESSION ([Max_Wnd_Gus] * 1.85) - returns true, the values are
TEXT ('[Max_Wnd_Gus] * 1.85' km/h) - displays '<value> * 1.85' km/h
Any ideas?
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