minscale/maxscale values

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Wed Nov 29 14:40:37 PST 2006

Matt: They are unitless values and they represent the denominator
portion of a representative fraction. So:

  MAXSCALE 24000

refers to a scale 1:24,000 and so on. It's a tad backwards (e.g. 100000
> 24000, but 1/100,000 < 1/24,000) as I'm reminded every once and a
while, but you get used to it quickly.


>>> Matthew Ganz <matt.ganz at GMAIL.COM> 11/29/2006 4:08:49 PM >>>

this is a rephrase of a question i posted earlier today. sorry, bit of
a newbie here. 

i have a scale bar in my application where each scale level is defined
in meters per pixel. i'd like to control what layers show up at each
scale level and therefore i need to calibrate my scalebar units with
those of the mapfile. 

so my question is what units do the minscale/maxscale values in the
mapfile represent? 

thanks for any helpful tips. 


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