no output for web template with 4.10 cgi

J. Parapar listario at GMAIL.COM
Mon Nov 6 02:49:00 PST 2006

Hi Piero.

We are also having problems with HTML templates using MapServer 4.10
( It works
well using MapServer 4.8.4 so it seems there has been some changes in
version 4.10 which have affected to the HTML templates but we do not
know what. But it is rare that there are not more people affected by
this so perhaps we are doing something wrong.

Best regards,


2006/11/3, piero cavalieri <piero.cavalieri at>:
> Hi all,
> I use cgi 4.10 (tried both from DMSolutions and TWtools)  and do a
> request like this:
> http://localhost/Scripts/mapserv.exe?map=D:/Web/Site/HGis/
> My web template file is an xml file:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
> <map>
>  <img value="[img]"/>
>  <mapwidth value="[mapwidth]"/>
>  <mapheight value="[mapheight]"/>
>  <scalebar value="[scalebar]"/>
>  <referenceMap value="[ref]"/>
>  <imgxy value="[center]"/>
>  <imgext value="[mapext]"/>
>  <legend>
>      <![CDATA[
>      [legend]
>      ]]>
>  </legend>
> </map>
> With 4.6 cgi this worked fine.
> Then I had to format/reinstall my WindowsXp and tried 4.10, but with the
> same web application I have the following cgi output:
> msDrawMap(): Layer 5 (laghi), 0.079s msDrawMap(): Layer 11 (i_dep_p), 0.078s
> instead of the xml file from web template.  In temp dir I have all the
> images created for the  request (map, scalebar ecc.), so cgi installation
> seems to be ok.
> I don't try using the old 4.6 (because I don't have it any more). Anyone
> could give an advice please ?
> Thanks
>     Piero

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