I need the ability to be able to display ECW and JPEG2000 format files within MapServer via a Community Mapbuilder client which sends WMS requests for the images to MapServer

John Mitchell mitchelljj98 at GMAIL.COM
Thu Nov 30 13:34:39 EST 2006

Hi Frank,

I now able to display ECW type files via mapserver within a community
mapbuilder web browser client.  I had question on part of the sample map
file that you sent:
 NAME jpeg2000
 MIMETYPE "image/jpeg2000"

What does TARGET=95 mean?

I am having good success (as far as image quality and small size downloaded
to the browser) with displaying my image data as jpeg within community
mapbuilder as an example
        <Format current="1">image/jpeg</Format>
But when I try displaying it as a png as an example.  I get poor quality as
far as the color.
        <Format current="1">image/png</Format>
The reason why I would like to sometimes be able to display as png is that
when displaying as jpeg I always have to display as the bottom layer because
if it is above any other layer then it completely covers any layer above it
even if the jpeg has no data(meaning white space).
Is there any parameters that can be changed within OUTPUTFORMAT that will
allow a better color quality png image to be displayed within the web

What application do you use to create your .ECW files?


John J. Mitchell

On 11/23/06, Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam at pobox.com> wrote:
> John Mitchell wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I need the ability to be able to display ECW and JPEG2000 format files
> > within MapServer via a Community Mapbuilder client which sends WMS
> > requests for the images to MapServer.  My current architecture is
> > PostGreSQL database connected to PostGIS which connects to GeoServer on
> > Apache Tomcat and Community Mapbuilder client which sends WMS requests
> > for the images to GeoServer.  I would like to be able to send similar
> > requests to MapServer for compressed Raster data but instead of going to
> > PostGIS I would like to connect to the ECW (which are compressed Raster)
> > files and JPEG2000 files.
> > Since I have never installed or used MapServer before I would appreciate
> > it if someone could give my a high level overview of what I would need
> > to do as far as:
> >
> > 1.) What should I download for a windows server if all I want to do is
> > display ECW and JPEG2000 files via WMS?
> > 2.) What configuration is necessary on the server in order to display
> > via WMS for ECW and JPEG2000 files and what location should I place
> > these files?
> > 3.) What is the format for both a GetMap and GetCapabilities request on
> > the client side which in my case is Community Mapbuilder.
> John,
> You don't specify what platform you want to deploy on.  The trick with
> JPEG2000 and ECW support is getting a binary build for your platform that
> has these formats included.
> I have a service at http://maps.gdal.org serving a big south american
> landsat scene from ecw.  I'll provide details on my configuration.  You
> may find it helpful to take a similar approach.
> I am using the "standalone" FWTools binaries for linux
> (http://fwtools.maptools.org).  In my Apache cgi-bin directory I have
> the script mapserv_landsat which looks like this:
> -----------------------
> #!/bin/sh
> export MS_MAPFILE=/home/warmerda/maps/landsat.map
> . /opt/FWTools-1.0.0a2/fwtools_env.sh
> exec /opt/FWTools-1.0.0a2/bin/mapserv "$*"
> -----------------------
> This basically invokes the FWTools mapserver executable with a
> preconfigured mapfile.  The FWTools binaries include essentially all
> required libraries.  The mapfile looks like the following and includes
> sufficient metadat to serve via WMS and WCS.  I think there may be a
> bit of extra cruft in there too.
>    EXTENT -180 -90 180 90
>    SIZE 600 300
>    IMAGECOLOR 0 255 0
>      "init=epsg:4326"
>    END
>   NAME jpeg2000
>   MIMETYPE "image/jpeg2000"
> #
> # Start of web interface definition
> #
>    WEB
>      HEADER web/landsatcgi/demo_header.html
>      TEMPLATE web/landsatcgi/demo.html
>      FOOTER web/landsatcgi/demo_footer.html
>        "ows_title" "Landsat Server"
>        "wcs_label" "Landsat WCS Server"
>        "wcs_keywordlist" "WCS,Landsat"
>        "wcs_onlineresource" "http://maps.gdal.org/cgi-bin/mapserv_landsat"
>      END
>      IMAGEURL "/tmp/"
>      IMAGEPATH "/u/maps/tmp/"
>    END
>    LAYER
>      NAME "South America"
>      STATUS ON
>      DEBUG ON
>      DATA '/home/warmerda/torrents/data/South America Landsat742.ecw'
>        wcs_label "Landsat"
>        ows_title "Landsat"
>        ows_srs  "EPSG:4269 EPSG:4326"
>        ows_extent "-82.3512420 -56.8510672 -33.9029540 13.0499433"
>        wcs_resolution "0.00025602 0.00025602"
>        wcs_formats "JPEG PNG24"
>        wcs_nativeformat "ECW"
>      END
>      DUMP TRUE
>        "init=epsg:4326"
>      END
>    END
> Note that to use an ecw file (or jpeg2000 file) you just specify the
> name in the DATA line for the layer.
> The getcapabilities url for my service is:
> http://maps.gdal.org/cgi-bin/mapserv_landsat?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetCapabilities
> I hope this helps.
> Good luck,
> --
> ---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------
> I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
> warmerdam at pobox.com
> light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
> and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

John J. Mitchell
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