custom poinsts projection on different map scale

Pavel Dobe_ dobes at LNX.CZ
Thu Oct 5 16:53:24 PDT 2006


I have to project some points from GPS on the map. Some are too close to be on the map separately.

So I have to group the overlay points (projected as dots) and try to mark this points to be recognised as grouped points.

Is any mechanism to set up for example:

- draw only first point in layer and skip other overlaping dots? or
- draw some different point (using different class for this point) - only for visual detection overlaping points

I know that MapScript is skiping some Labels if it's no space for drawing (not working with FORCE TRUE in Mapfile) so is any chance do the same with points drawing as symbols?

Thanks for help
PS: I'm using MapServer 4.8.4 with PHP MapScript, but is possible to install last 4.10beta2 if is nesessary.

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