October 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Oct 1 19:39:49 PDT 2006
Ending: Tue Oct 31 23:12:57 PST 2006
Messages: 496
- wms groups...
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- wms groups...
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- Help with rasters
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- Help with rasters
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- unsubscribe
- GetFeatureInfo-Request
Till Adams
Till Adams
- Using multiple .dbf files with the same .shp/.shx files
Till Adams
- 4.10.0: Some vectors not rendering for a layer
Andreas Albarello
- PHP_Mapscript QueryByAttributes on PostGIS layer
Andreas Albarello
Jeppe Lund Andersen
Eric Archuleta
- [Fwd: Re: mapserv stdout png problem]
Hubert Asamer
- [Fwd: Re: mapserv stdout png problem]
Hubert Asamer
- WMS loadparams()
Yewondwossen Assefa
- Virtual layer access OGR ODBC problem
Yewondwossen Assefa
- Virtual layer access OGR ODBC problem
Yewondwossen Assefa
- 4.10 GEOS Fuctions with PHP Mapscipt
Yewondwossen Assefa
- 4.10 GEOS Fuctions with PHP Mapscipt
Yewondwossen Assefa
- PHP/Mapscript installation windows
Emmanuel BELO
- PHP/Mapscript installation windows
Emmanuel BELO
- Mapscript adding class with PHP
- MySql Spatial Database
- MySql Spatial Database
- MySql Spatial Database
- MySql Spatial Database
- Create a polygon layer using PHPMAPSCRIPT
- MySql Spatial Database
- anyone know what happened to the documentation?
- MySql Spatial Database
- Strange OGR VRT Issue
- Strange OGR VRT Issue
- mapserver-4.10.0-rc1 and Java Mapscript
Mario Basa
- Am I correct in assuming this won't work? (map_web_template=select_html)
Bob Basques
- - SOLUTION (sort of) Am I correct in assuming this won't work? (map_web_template=select_html)
Bob Basques
- Limiting the viewable extent...
Bob Basques
- queryable layers in ka-map 1.0b
Dylan Beaudette
- queryable layers in ka-map 1.0b [update]
Dylan Beaudette
- imagemap output mode no longer working with 4.10
Dylan Beaudette
- [ka-Map-users] queryable layers in ka-map 1.0b
Dylan Beaudette
- imagemap output mode no longer working with 4.10
Dylan Beaudette
- imagemap output mode no longer working with 4.10
Dylan Beaudette
- multiple groups without PNG output format
Dylan Beaudette
- phpmapscript: changing a layer's style
Dylan Beaudette
- phpmapscript: changing a layer's style
Dylan Beaudette
- phpmapscript: changing a layer's style
Dylan Beaudette
- phpmapscript: changing a layer's style
Dylan Beaudette
- phpmapscript: changing a layer's style [solved]
Dylan Beaudette
- Using multiple .dbf files with the same .shp/.shx files
David William Bitner
- Using multiple .dbf files with the same .shp/.shx files
David William Bitner
- background dependant line styles ?
Sacha Black
- anyone know what happened to the documentation?
Wim Blanken
- labelling please help
Wim Blanken
- dbox problem
Ken Boss
- Web site- Documentation
Tim Bowden
- Displaying Mapserver raster in ArcMap gives 256 colours
POWER Brendan
- Solution - Displaying Mapserver raster in ArcMap gives 256 colours
POWER Brendan
- Postgis filter trouble with quotes
Ludwig Max Brinckmann
- ShapefileObject, ShapObject and atributes
Pēteris Brūns
- Web site- Documentation
Howard Butler
- anyone know what happened to the documentation?
Howard Butler
- Mapserver+Windows+ArcSDE
Howard Butler
- PHP/Mapscript installation windows
Howard Butler
- Python Mapscript Crashes
Stéphane COLZY
- 4.10 GEOS Fuctions with PHP Mapscipt
- 4.10 GEOS Fuctions with PHP Mapscipt
- 4.10 GEOS Fuctions with PHP Mapscipt
- Numeric Comparions in EXPRESSION Statements
James Card
- Numeric Comparions in EXPRESSION Statements
James Card
- WCS and 32-bit FLOAT GeoTIFFS
John Cartwright
- WCS and 32-bit FLOAT GeoTIFFS
John Cartwright
- Modify a map file on the fly...
Luca Casagrande
- Updatating DATA value of a layer inside a mapfile
Luca Casagrande
- Updatating DATA value of a layer inside a mapfile
Luca Casagrande
- CLASS and php/mapscript
Luca Casagrande
- CLASS and php/mapscript
Luca Casagrande
- pmap: community p.mapper
Paolo Cavallini
- WMS PNG transparency issue
Jesse Cleary
- legend template crash with fast CGI
Mguel Coladas
- Variable substitution and WMS
John Cole
- Variable substitution and WMS
John Cole
- wms groups...
John Cole
- wms groups...
John Cole
- c# imageObj.save method not working properly?
Paolo Corti
- c# imageObj.save method not working properly?
Paolo Corti
- Mapscript Html Legends
Felipe Costa
- Using multiple .dbf files with the same .shp/.shx files
Gerry Creager
- FW: simple question that the answers eludes my logic
Dan Dansereau
- Help with rasters
Jeff Dege
- Help with rasters
Jeff Dege
- Help with rasters
Jeff Dege
- Help with rasters
Jeff Dege
- Setting zoomlevels with gdalwarp?
Jeff Dege
- Create a polygon layer using PHPMAPSCRIPT
Delfos, Jacob
- Help: generating a hyperlink in query result
Delfos, Jacob
- Enable zip file downloading from query results
Delfos, Jacob
- Enable zip file downloading from query results
Delfos, Jacob
- Enable zip file downloading from query results
Delfos, Jacob
- PHP_Mapscript QueryByAttributes on PostGIS layer
Delfos, Jacob
- Counting browse hits
- custom poinsts projection on different map scale
Pavel Dobe_
- GetFeatureInfo-Request
Eijnden, Bart van den (AGI)
- Mapscript adding class with PHP
Eijnden, Bart van den (AGI)
- Mapscript adding class with PHP
Eijnden, Bart van den (AGI)
- MySql Spatial Database
Eijnden, Bart van den (AGI)
- anyone know what happened to the documentation?
Eijnden, Bart van den (AGI)
- Displaying Mapserver raster in ArcMap gives 256 colours
Eijnden, Bart van den (AGI)
- How to put labels and change the line width of a map image generated from polyline shapefile
Eijnden, Bart van den (AGI)
- WMS STYLES-Parameter and Mapserver 4.10
Eijnden, Bart van den (AGI)
- 4.10.0: Some vectors not rendering for a layer
Eijnden, Bart van den (AGI)
- 4.10.0: Some vectors not rendering for a layer
Eijnden, Bart van den (AGI)
- WMS loadparams()
Stuart Eve
- WMS loadparams()
Stuart Eve
- advanced labelings
Todd Fagin
- Minimal Swig version
José Vilson de Mello de Farias
- Java Mapscript vs. Swig
José Vilson de Mello de Farias
- Help: generating a hyperlink in query result
Fawcett, David
- Help: generating a hyperlink in query result
Fawcett, David
- advanced labelings
Fawcett, David
- imagemap output mode no longer working with 4.10
Fawcett, David
- MAP [X][Y]
Fawcett, David
- how to project a lat/lon shapefile to Mercator projection
Fawcett, David
- Shading Polygons and removing internal boundaries from shapefiles
Fawcett, David
- anyone know what happened to the documentation?
Fortin,Nicolas [SteFoy]
- No subject
Chris Gage
- getting map coordinates from mouse click
Pietro Giannini
Pietro Giannini
- phpmapscript: changing a layer's style
Pietro Giannini
- CLASS and php/mapscript
Pietro Giannini
- CLASS and php/mapscript
Pietro Giannini
- [Fwd: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] CLASS and php/mapscript]
Pietro Giannini
- [Fwd: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] CLASS and php/mapscript]
Pietro Giannini
- Problem with Layyer from PostgreSQL
- Problem with Layyer from PostgreSQL
- undefined symbol: msIO_installStdinFromBuffer with python mapscript 4.10
Peter Freimuth (MapMedia GmbH)
- vertical labels
Nuria González
- vertical labels
Nuria González
- dLegend initilization and license
Richard Greenwood
- FW: simple question that the answers eludes my logic
Richard Greenwood
- Query template + javascript?
Richard Greenwood
- CGI or Mapscript
Richard Greenwood
- MS RFC 15: Support for thread neutral operation of mapserver/mapscript - plans?
listuser HH
- Limiting the viewable extent...
Steve Hall
- Limiting the viewable extent...
Steve Hall
- size limitation
Gur Hanan
- Query result, pan, zooming and query
Gur Hanan
- Reprojecting with Gdalwarp vs native MapServer
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] sample of flash using mapserver
Jan Hartmann
- DEBUG keyword iin PHP MapScript
Jan Hartmann
- DEBUG keyword iin PHP MapScript
Jan Hartmann
- MapServer WebSite Language Behaviour
Flavio Hendry
- WMS - restrict available image formats?
Flavio Hendry
- Compilation problem with 4.10.rc1
José Vicente Higon
- Problems running version 4.10.0 rc1
José Vicente Higon
- MAPSERVER-USERS Digest - 19 Oct 2006 to 20 Oct 2006 (#2006-292)
Martin Hoegh
- Scalebar Rendering Problem
- GIS WEB Developer needed
Mark Howard
- Easy way to make interactive html interface
myunghwa Hwang
- Inline feature symbol too transparent
- Inline feature symbol too transparent
- maxinum number of symbol in a simbol file
Yves Jacolin
- freetype error for curved label
Yves Jacolin
- SELinux and Mapserver
Yves Jacolin
- freetype error for curved label
Yves Jacolin
- freetype error for curved label
Yves Jacolin
- freetype error for curved label
Yves Jacolin
- freetype error for curved label
Yves Jacolin
- Raster Support
Yves Jacolin
- How to get screen co-ordinates (pixels) from geographic co-ordinates
Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju
- getting map coordinates from mouse click
Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju
- getting map coordinates from mouse click
Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju
- Can I create a zoomed map image
Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju
- How to put labels and change the line width of a map image generated from polyline shapefile
Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju
- labelling please help
Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju
- labelling please help
Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju
- What is the symbol definition for "strasse"
Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju
- unable start apache
Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju
- Want to install Mapserver for Fedora Core 5
Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju
- unable start apache
Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju
- installing qgis on fedora core 5
Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju
- labelling please help
Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju
- labelling please help
Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju
- Get Pixel of Image from Latitude Longitude
Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju
- msMapGeorefToPixel() - mapobj.c
Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju
- msMapGeorefToPixel() - mapobj.c
Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju
- how to project a lat/lon shapefile to Mercator projection
Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju
- msMapGeorefToPixel() - mapobj.c
Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju
- does mapserver really use proj4 lib
Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju
- php_mapscript on IIS6/WinServer2003
Jeremy Jin
- Any changes in map file from version 3.5 to version 4.8
Jeremy Jin
- Extra Parameters in WMS Layer
Jeffrey Johnson
- Adjusting raster images on-the-fly?
Rahkonen Jukka
- MySql Spatial Database
Barend K=?ISO-8859-1?B?9g==?=bben
- Test
Janeks Kamerovskis
- DTM and DVM and MapServer
Janeks Kamerovskis
- GetFeatureInfo-Request
Karin Kampitsch
Kana, David
- Error loading PHPMapScript 4.10.0 - undefined symbol: __gcov_merge_add
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- announce: MapServer Introductory online course available - for MS4W
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- Writting a BIL in ASCII format
Travis Kirstine
- labelling please help
Travis Kirstine
- convert img.x to minx or maxx or mapext or imgext?
P Kishor
- Variable substitution and WMS
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- Variable substitution and WMS
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- Question about wms and mapfile location/restriction
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- anyone know what happened to the documentation?
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- Question about wms and mapfile location/restriction
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- Question about wms and mapfile location/restriction
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- Question about wms and mapfile location/restriction
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- SOS Server structural changes
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- SOS Server structural changes
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- mapscript API shapfileObj units
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- mapscript API shapfileObj units
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- mapscript API shapfileObj units
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- MS4W 2.2 on IIS
José Luis Romero Lagos
- Raster Support
Denis Lalonde
- WMS images returned as Content-type: text/plain
Andrew Larcombe
- Web Mapping Biodiversity with PHP mapscript
Ragnvald Larsen
- BAG File Format Support
Stephane Lessard
- S57 Soundings Value
Stephane Lessard
- dLegend initilization and license
Steve Lime
- Mapscript Html Legends
Steve Lime
- HTML Legend - Class count
Steve Lime
- highlite again!
Steve Lime
- Counting browse hits
Steve Lime
- - SOLUTION (sort of) Am I correct in assuming this won't work? (map_web_template=select_html)
Steve Lime
- CGI or Mapscript
Steve Lime
- Inline feature symbol too transparent
Steve Lime
- legend template crash with fast CGI
Steve Lime
- Edit Query Files
Steve Lime
- imagemap output mode no longer working with 4.10
Steve Lime
- Scalebar Rendering Problem
Steve Lime
- MS RFC 22: Data adapter support
Steve Lime
- 4.10 GEOS Fuctions with PHP Mapscipt
Steve Lime
- freetype error for curved label
Steve Lime
- mapscript API shapfileObj units
Steve Lime
- Change from 4.8 to 4.10 with PostGIS attribute queries?
Steve Lime
- Limiting the viewable extent...
Steve Lime
- 4.10.0: Some vectors not rendering for a layer
Andre Lockhart
- 4.10.0: Some vectors not rendering for a layer
Andre Lockhart
- 4.10.0: Some vectors not rendering for a layer
Andre Lockhart
- 4.10.0: Some vectors not rendering for a layer
Andre Lockhart
- 4.10.0: Some vectors not rendering for a layer
Andre Lockhart
- logo company on mp...
Walter Lorenzetti
- csharp querybyattributes
David Lowther
- csharp querybyattributes
David Lowther
- Limit of 1 label per polygon
Léveillé, James
- [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Limit of 1 label per polygon
Léveillé, James
- WG: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] HTML Legend - Class count
Maul, Andreas-Alexander
- DMSG Premiere and Ongoing investment in Open Source
Dave McIlhagga
Jeff McKenna
- anyone know what happened to the documentation?
Jeff McKenna
- MS4W 2.2 on IIS
Jeff McKenna
- PHP/Mapscript installation windows
Jeff McKenna
- anyone know what happened to the documentation?
Ed McNierney
- Setting up a WMS server with non-contiguous Raster data
Ed McNierney
- Extra Parameters in WMS Layer
Ed McNierney
- Displaying Mapserver raster in ArcMap gives 256 colours
Ed McNierney
- 4.10.0: Some vectors not rendering for a layer
Ed McNierney
- Help with rasters
Ed McNierney
- 4.10.0: Some vectors not rendering for a layer
Ed McNierney
- gdal/mapserver build question
Ed McNierney
- Setting zoomlevels with gdalwarp?
Ed McNierney
- How to create tiles accurately with MapServer?
Manfred Meier
- How to download the archive?
Roman Meier
- No subject
Pedro Meneses
- Mapscript adding class with PHP
Arie Mijnlieff
- Mapscript adding class with PHP
Arie Mijnlieff
- Mapscript adding class with PHP
Arie Mijnlieff
- Mapscript adding class with PHP
Arie Mijnlieff
- installing qgis on fedora core 5
Tyler Mitchell
Daniel Morissette
- mapserver-4.10.0-rc1
Daniel Morissette
- mapserver-4.10.0-rc1
Daniel Morissette
- MapServer 4.10.0 released
Daniel Morissette
- [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Limit of 1 label per polygon
Daniel Morissette
- DEBUG keyword iin PHP MapScript
Daniel Morissette
- DEBUG keyword iin PHP MapScript
Daniel Morissette
- unable start apache
Daniel Morissette
- unable start apache
Daniel Morissette
- unable start apache
Daniel Morissette
- installing qgis on fedora core 5
Daniel Morissette
- Updatating DATA value of a layer inside a mapfile
Daniel Morissette
- Any changes in map file from version 3.5 to version 4.8
Daniel Morissette
- Limiting the viewable extent...
Daniel Morissette
- Limiting the viewable extent...
Daniel Morissette
- Using expressions Mapscript, attribute not found in shapefile
Gregor Mosheh
- Using expressions Mapscript, attribute not found in shapefile
Gregor Mosheh
- Reprojecting with Gdalwarp vs native MapServer
Gregor Mosheh
- gdal/mapserver build question
Gregor Mosheh
- different coordinates system
Gregor Mosheh
- Limiting the viewable extent...
Gregor Mosheh
- Updatating DATA value of a layer inside a mapfile
Gregor Mosheh
- How to create tiles accurately with MapServer?
Teemu Mäkelä
- How to create tiles accurately with MapServer?
Teemu Mäkelä
- Java Mapscript vs. Swig
Umberto Nicoletti
- mapserver-4.10.0-rc1 and Java Mapscript
Umberto Nicoletti
- Python Mapscript Crashes
Umberto Nicoletti
- maxinum number of symbol in a simbol file
Leonardo Olivieri
- Proj 4 error: no system list, errno: 2
Ryan Ollerenshaw
- Proj 4 error: no system list, errno: 2
Ryan Ollerenshaw
- Proj 4 error: no system list, errno: 2
Ryan Ollerenshaw
- html legend classes; data encoding; (noted python mapsript +
J. Parapar
- Strange OGR VRT Issue
Pascoe,Tim [Burlington]
- Strange OGR VRT Issue
Pascoe,Tim [Burlington]
- Strange OGR VRT Issue
Pascoe,Tim [Burlington]
- getting map coordinates from mouse click
Alessandro Pasotti
- Help with rasters
Brent Pedersen
- EPSG issue between PostGIS and Mapserver
Sylvain Perrinel
- WMS GetFeatureInfo on joined PostGIS layer
James Perrins
- Anyone got working example of WMS GetFeatureInfo on joined PostGIS layer ?
James Perrins
James Perrins
- dLegend initilization and license
Matthew Perry
- Extra Parameters in WMS Layer
Matthew Perry
- Shading Polygons and removing internal boundaries from shapefiles
Matt Pettis
- Using multiple .dbf files with the same .shp/.shx files
Matt Pettis
- Sourcecode for a mapserver documented example
Matt Pettis
- Shading Polygons and removing internal boundaries from shapefiles
Matt Pettis
- Modify a map file on the fly...
Buggy Pine
- HTML Legend - Class count
Pleyer, Walter
- Mapserver+Windows+ArcSDE
Pleyer, Walter
- AW: Mapserver+Windows+ArcSDE
Pleyer, Walter
- AW: Mapserver+Windows+ArcSDE
Pleyer, Walter
Pleyer, Walter
- zoomrectangle
Juan Antonio Fernández Prada
- MapServer related job available in Orange County, CA
Noel Proffitt
- logo company on mp...
Aaron Racicot
- MySql Spatial Database
Aaron Racicot
- installing qgis on fedora core 5
Aaron Racicot
- phpmapscript: changing a layer's style
Aaron Racicot
- newbie needs help in mapping counties in color
- Shading Polygons and removing internal boundaries from shapefiles
- Zpolygon trouble
Giuseppe De Rossi
- anyone know what happened to the documentation?
Benedikt Rothe
- MapServer Website - Documentation issue
Curtis W. Ruck
- Help: generating a hyperlink in query result
Curtis W. Ruck
- Google maps
- Linking Google maps inside mapserver?
Gianluca Sabena
- Reading grass vector files with mapserver
Francisco Alonso Sarría
- AW: Mapserver+Windows+ArcSDE
Mike Saunt
- ShapefileObject, ShapObject and atributes
Tim Schaub
- Your mapfile configuration tool: MapStorer
Sebastian Schmitz
- SELinux and Mapserver
Sven Schulz
- Edit Query Files
Jason Sievers
- malloc() problem using PHP/MapScript
Ben Sims
- malloc() problem using PHP/MapScript
Ben Sims
- malloc() problem using PHP/MapScript
Ben Sims
- convert img.x to minx or maxx or mapext or imgext?
John Smith
- convert img.x to minx or maxx or mapext or imgext?
John Smith
- CGI or Mapscript
John Smith
- CGI or Mapscript
John Smith
- CGI or Mapscript
John Smith
- CGI or Mapscript
John Smith
- juanantonio.fernandez at uca.es, hartpence_gis at co.jasper.ia.us,
John Smith
- gdal13.dll
John Smith
- gdal13.dll
John Smith
- CGI or Mapscript
John Smith
- [ka-Map-users] multiple groups without PNG output format
Paul Spencer
- MySql OGR connection failure
Karl Suiter
- PHP Mapscript Color Issue
Matthew Swort
- wrong coords attribute using processquerytemplate
Rafael Szajbel
- wrong coords attribute using processquerytemplate
Rafael Szajbel
- php_mapscript on IIS6/WinServer2003
Rafael Szajbel
- MS RFC 15: Support for thread neutral operation of mapserver/mapscript - plans?
Tamas Szekeres
- Projection library error
Tamas Szekeres
- csharp querybyattributes
Tamas Szekeres
- csharp querybyattributes
Tamas Szekeres
- MS RFC 22: Data adapter support
Tamas Szekeres
- MS RFC 22: Data adapter support
Tamas Szekeres
- MS RFC 22: Data adapter support
Tamas Szekeres
- MS RFC 22: Data adapter support
Tamas Szekeres
- MS RFC 22: Data adapter support
Tamas Szekeres
- c# imageObj.save method not working properly?
Tamas Szekeres
- [Fwd: Re: mapserv stdout png problem]
Tamas Szekeres
- [Fwd: Re: mapserv stdout png problem]
Tamas Szekeres
- wms groups...
Laura Díaz Sánchez
- Adding points to a shp file
Mike Talbutt
- Setting up a WMS server with non-contiguous Raster data
Chip Taylor
- image to ascii question
Trimble, Beheen
- Highlite with mode=query
Trimble, Beheen
- Adding points to a shp file
Trimble, Beheen
- Adding points to a shp file
Trimble, Beheen
- Adding points to a shp file
Trimble, Beheen
- highlite again!
Trimble, Beheen
- Adding points to a shp file
Trimble, Beheen
- highlite again!
Trimble, Beheen
- highlite again!
Trimble, Beheen
- Writting a BIL in ASCII format
Trimble, Beheen
- Writting a BIL in ASCII format
Trimble, Beheen
- Writting a BIL in ASCII format
Trimble, Beheen
- Writting a BIL in ASCII format
Trimble, Beheen
- Writting a BIL in ASCII format
Trimble, Beheen
- Question about wms and mapfile location/restriction
B Tuttle
- Question about wms and mapfile location/restriction
B Tuttle
- Question about wms and mapfile location/restriction
B Tuttle
- Question about wms and mapfile location/restriction
B Tuttle
- Help with rasters
B Tuttle
- gdal/mapserver build question
B Tuttle
- gdal/mapserver build question
B Tuttle
- SELinux and Mapserver
B Tuttle
- I thought you'd love this
Charu Verma
- labelling please help
Norman Vine
- Limiting the viewable extent...
Norman Vine
- MySql Spatial Database
Frank Warmerdam
- malloc() problem using PHP/MapScript
Frank Warmerdam
- MySql Spatial Database
Frank Warmerdam
- MySql Spatial Database
Frank Warmerdam
- S57 Soundings Value
Frank Warmerdam
- Virtual layer access OGR ODBC problem
Frank Warmerdam
- Virtual layer access OGR ODBC problem
Frank Warmerdam
- IHO S-57 Files
Frank Warmerdam
- IHO S-57 Files
Frank Warmerdam
- Adjusting raster images on-the-fly?
Frank Warmerdam
- Reprojecting with Gdalwarp vs native MapServer
Frank Warmerdam
- Strange OGR VRT Issue
Frank Warmerdam
- Writting a BIL in ASCII format
Frank Warmerdam
- Writting a BIL in ASCII format
Frank Warmerdam
- Writting a BIL in ASCII format
Frank Warmerdam
- Displaying Mapserver raster in ArcMap gives 256 colours
Frank Warmerdam
- c#-mapscript, Rasterlayer in Map?
Frank Warmerdam
- Python Mapscript Crashes
Frank Warmerdam
- msMapGeorefToPixel() - mapobj.c
Frank Warmerdam
- msMapGeorefToPixel() - mapobj.c
Frank Warmerdam
- Reprojecting with Gdalwarp vs native MapServer
Frank Warmerdam
- MS RFC 22: Data adapter support
Frank Warmerdam
- gdal/mapserver build question
Frank Warmerdam
- MS RFC 22: Data adapter support
Frank Warmerdam
- MS RFC 22: Data adapter support
Frank Warmerdam
- gdal/mapserver build question
Frank Warmerdam
- EPSG issue between PostGIS and Mapserver
Frank Warmerdam
- WCS and 32-bit FLOAT GeoTIFFS
Frank Warmerdam
- Raster Support
Frank Warmerdam
- c#-mapscript, Rasterlayer in Map?
Christian Wilmes
- c#-mapscript, Rasterlayer in Map?
Christian Wilmes
- WMS STYLES-Parameter and Mapserver 4.10
Arnd Wippermann
- mapserver-4.10.0-rc1
Stephen Woodbridge
- Limit of 1 label per polygon
Stephen Woodbridge
- labelling please help
Stephen Woodbridge
- What is the symbol definition for "strasse"
Stephen Woodbridge
- background dependant line styles ?
Stephen Woodbridge
- Numeric Comparions in EXPRESSION Statements
Stephen Woodbridge
- 4.10.0: Some vectors not rendering for a layer
Stephen Woodbridge
- 4.10.0: Some vectors not rendering for a layer
Stephen Woodbridge
- MS RFC 22: Data adapter support
Stephen Woodbridge
- freetype error for curved label
Stephen Woodbridge
- Limiting the viewable extent...
Stephen Woodbridge
- How to create tiles accurately with MapServer?
Stephen Woodbridge
- Shading Polygons and removing internal boundaries from shapefiles
Stephen Woodbridge
- [Fwd: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] CLASS and php/mapscript]
Stephen Woodbridge
- mapscript API shapfileObj units
Stephen Woodbridge
- mapscript API shapfileObj units
Stephen Woodbridge
- Limiting the viewable extent...
Stephen Woodbridge
- Limiting the viewable extent...
Stephen Woodbridge
- Help: generating a hyperlink in query result
Xiaopeng Xiong
- Help: generating a hyperlink in query result
Xiaopeng Xiong
- Help: generating a hyperlink in query result
Xiaopeng Xiong
- Help: generating a hyperlink in query result
Xiaopeng Xiong
- Enable zip file downloading from query results
Xiaopeng Xiong
- Enable zip file downloading from query results
Xiaopeng Xiong
- Enable zip file downloading from query results
Xiaopeng Xiong
- Enable zip file downloading from query results
Xiaopeng Xiong
- Enable zip file downloading from query results
Xiaopeng Xiong
- Query template + javascript?
Xiaopeng Xiong
- Query template + javascript?
Xiaopeng Xiong
- IHO S-57 Files
Chance Yohman
- IHO S-57 Files
Chance Yohman
- MAP [X][Y]
Chance Yohman
- anyone know what happened to the documentation?
Jacolin Yves
- anyone know what happened to the documentation?
Jacolin Yves
- No subject
Jacolin Yves
- freetype error for curved label
Jacolin Yves
- Projection library error
Eduardo Zenaide
- Can I create a zoomed map image {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- labelling please help {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- Shading Polygons and removing internal boundaries from shapefiles {Scanned} {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- mapserver-4.10.0-rc1
- mapserver-4.10.0-rc1
- mapserver-4.10.0-rc1
- geometry 3d
toni hernández
- different coordinates system
toni hernández
- html legend classes; data encoding; (noted python mapsript +
- [leg_class_html opt_flag=14] - example ?
- Adding points to a shp file
- Adding points to a shp file
- Adding points to a shp file
- dbox problem
william paul
- dbox imagepath, imageurl
william paul
- how to use pictures as labels
william paul
- MAPSERVER-USERS Digest - 30 Sep 2006 to 1 Oct 2006 (#2006-273)
- CGI or Mapscript
- MAPSERVER-USERS Digest - 21 Oct 2006 to 22 Oct 2006 (#2006-294)
- phpmapscript: changing a layer's style
- Portland, OR as a possible location for OSGEO2007
- Pan
igor pinheiro
- questions
- No subject
Helgi H álfdánarson
Last message date:
Tue Oct 31 23:12:57 PST 2006
Archived on: Mon Oct 7 06:01:46 PDT 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).