gdal/mapserver build question

Gregor Mosheh gregor at HOSTGIS.COM
Mon Oct 23 16:36:14 PDT 2006

> If you build MapServer with GDAL and build
> GDAL using the internal LIBTIFF and LIBGEOTIFF support, you will end up
> with a functional version of GDAL and MapServer that is blissfully
> ignorant of whatever versions of libtiff and libgeotiff are or are not
> installed by Red Hat.

This actually bit me on a customer's server last month, so I thought I'd
mention it for archival purposes at least.

I'd definitely go with GDAL's builtin libtiff, since it's more up to date
than RedHat's ancient stuff. On one occassion, using GDAL's internal
libtiff was the solution to all sorts of runtime linking problems I was
having, after someone updated libtiff and broke everything.

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