Query result, pan, zooming and query

Gur Hanan gur.hanan at PGL.CO.IL
Tue Oct 17 03:59:16 PDT 2006

Hi all,
I am a new (relatively) user of mapserver, and I need some help:

1. When I am in the query mode, and I push over the map, the map window
replaced with the results.
   I need to see the map and the result together. Is there any option to
display the query result in a different window (like "href" in html)?
2. I copy and paste the pan option that include in the example files of
the demo.
    When I push one of the pan button, nothing happened and I get the
following error:
	"object dosen't support this property or method" 
	and it's refer to this js code:
  However when I push the refresh button, the map updates according to
the pan that I choose.
  Any ideas?

3. I want to design a friendly interface to my  application. I want that
the zoon in, zoom out, recenter and the query opation,
   will be activate by pushing over an icon (using javascript), and then
clicking over the map will draw the desire result. I searched for
example of that kind of code without       
   any success.
   Is someone can send me a code sample of this options (what to write
in the map file and how the script look like)?

Thanks for your help,

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