Limiting the viewable extent...

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM
Tue Oct 31 10:20:47 PST 2006

In MapScript, the mapObj methods zoomPoint() and zoomRectangle() take a 
maximum extent for that purpose, but I don't think there is any way to 
set a limit on extents in the mapfile directly that would apply to the 
mapserv CGI and WMS interfaces.


Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Steve,
> I may be confusing this with a feature of ka-map, but I'm not sure. 
> Steve L do you know if there is such a feature in mapserver?
> -Steve W
> ps: lots of Steve is confusing!
> Steve Hall wrote:
>> Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>>> Steve Hall wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Is it possible to restrict the users viewable extent of the map 
>>>> through the map file?  For example, I have data loaded for the whole 
>>>> of the country but I want it to be impossible for any client tool to 
>>>> view data beyond a defined and fixed extent.
>>>> The EXTENT parameters just seem to set the initial extent and you 
>>>> can easily zoom out beyond this extent.
>>>> I appreciate this is fairly easy to do through code but though that 
>>>> if this was possible via a mapfile then it would be done at the 
>>>> 'lowest' level...
>>> Yes, I believe you can do it by setting METADATA values for the MAP 
>>> object. I just check the mapfile reference and it is not described 
>>> there. Could you please write a documentation bug to request all 
>>> METADATA controls be documented.
>>> -Steve W.
>> Thanks for this Steve, do you happen to know off hand any of the 
>> relevant keywords to this problem (to get me started).  I could take a 
>> look through the code and dig deeper if I have somewhere to start.   
>> This will also enable me to file a more accurate and useful bug...
>> Cheers,
>> Steve H

Daniel Morissette

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