CGI or Mapscript

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Mon Oct 16 16:30:27 PDT 2006

The MapServer CGI can be viewed as one possible web application written
in on top
of the MapServer C code. MapScript is a wrapper around that C code and
allows you
to do everything the MapServer CGI can do plus just about anything you
can dream

For example, with MapServer CGI you can't create 10 maps at once and
roll them into
an animated gif. You could with MapScript. 

Another example, consider the ugly reference map in this page:

You can't composite 2 MapServer generated maps with the CGI. You can
with MapScript.

Anyway, there are lots of DHTML/js frameworks out there. One that sits
atop basically
just the MapServer CGI is called dbox. You can learn more at: 

It has a legend builder that requires MapScript (I have a PHP version
of the legend
building script if anyone cares), but certainly can be used without


>>> John Smith <jayzee.smith at GMAIL.COM> 10/16/2006 6:07:20 PM >>>
...ok i'll rephrase- what more mapping functionality will i get with

here's another- what's the least bloated advanced interface. by
it'd be a dhtml/js combo. you see i tried chameleon but damn it, it
wants to
load dll and i got php running as a module.

lawrence my rubberband is still quite rough around the edges. the
coordinates don't line up right, damn again.

On 10/13/06, Lawrence Hartpence <hartpence_gis at> wrote:
>  John,
> I use CGI a lot myself.  I haven't delved into mapscript yet.  Would
> be willing to share your code for rubberband?
> Lawrence

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