
romanora romanora at LIBERO.IT
Fri Oct 13 07:24:42 PDT 2006

I’m Raffaella Romano and I need to do a question about a ‘Legend’.
I’m working on Mapserver that can loads up images about a coastline’s study. 

What I am trying to do is to create the legend with a color scale that assigns a color for each cell without having to assign it manually for each class. 

For example I have a shape file describing 100 different types of land use, if I would need to assign a color to each type I would need to do this manually, selecting a color for every single type of information. Instead I would like to create a color scale and assign automatically a color to the 100 different types of land use.
For examples:
Rainfall Isohyets 
      40 - 60" (1016 - 1524mm) 
      60 - 80" (1524 - 2032mm) 
      80 - 100" (2032 - 2540mm) 
      100 - 120" (2540 - 3048mm) 
      120 - 140" (3048 - 3556mm) 
      140 - 160" (3556 - 4064mm) 
      160 - 180" (4064 - 4572mm) 

Best regards

P.S. please see the enclosed for the examples.

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