Streets and streets' labels drawing performance

Rodrigo Del C. Andrade rodrigo.andrade at DIGITRO.COM.BR
Thu Apr 5 14:05:20 PDT 2007

    Hello dear list.
    Quick and (hopefully) simple question:
    What are the big mapscript no-no's for the performance conscious coder?
    I'll explain. I am working on a java mapscript application that only 
show cities and streets. Using maxscale to draw the cities streets only 
at certain zoom lvls and the street labels even closer.
    But the performance is a huge problem when it tries to render the 
streets and the accompanying labels. And I mean it, the server bends and 
stays on its knees for minutes while I wait for the map to show. I've 
banished antialising from the code, caching and all the bells and 
whistles, but the performance is still atrocious. Whats more strange, 
some areas of the map (it is composed of several shapefiles defined in 
its own layer and mapfile, included into the main mapfile) have 
acceptable performance, so could something in the shapefiles being 
slowing render draw? They all come from the same source and seem to have 
the same structure, so what could I look for in them that would hamper 
its drawing speed?

    Any help is hugely appreciated.


*Rodrigo Del C. Andrade   *
/Estagiário Nível Superior/
/SIC - SSE - Soluções Segurança Pública/

*E-mail:* rodrigo.andrade at 
<mailto:rodrigo.andrade at>
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