[UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] C# processLegendTemplate

Jean Michel PIERRET jmp at GEOSYS.COM
Fri Apr 13 00:19:43 PDT 2007



            Thank you for your assistance, while seeking I found a solution
to circumvent the problem.


int ret;

layerObj lo = null;

classObj co = null;

imageObj io = null;


lo = this._map.getLayerByName(layer);


io = co.createLegendIcon(this._map, lo, 19, 15);

ret = co.drawLegendIcon(this._map, lo, 19, 15, io, 0, 0);




 <mailto:jmp at geosys.com> Jean-michel PIERRET - Poste  376

Tel : +33 (0)5 62 47 80 76
Mail :  <mailto:jmp at geosys.com> jmp at geosys.com



-----Message d'origine-----
De : Tamas Szekeres [mailto:szekerest at gmail.com] 
Envoyé : vendredi 13 avril 2007 01:04
À : Jean Michel PIERRET
Cc : MAPSERVER-USERS at lists.umn.edu
Objet : Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] C# processLegendTemplate



You might want to specify parameters for leg_group_html, leg_layer_html and
leg_class_html respectively. Like for example:

[leg_group_html opt_flag=12]
    <td colspan=3 bgcolor=#cccccc><b>[leg_group_name]</b></td> 

[leg_layer_html order_metadata=legend_order opt_flag=5]
        <input type=checkbox name="map_[leg_layer_name]_status" 
       value=1 [if name=layer_status oper=eq value=2]CHECKED[/if]> 
    <td colspan=2>
        <a href="[metadata name=href]">[metadata name=layer_title]</a>
</tr >

[leg_class_html opt_flag=14] 
    <td width=15> </td>
        <img src="[leg_icon width=20 height=10]" width=20 height=10>

Without adding these parameters


will fail in generateLegendTemplate ( maptemplate.c)

I suggest to file a bug report on this issue with the requirement of
allowing to specify these template elements without adding parameters.

Best regards,


2007/4/12, Jean Michel PIERRET <jmp at geosys.com>:



How I can use processLegendTemplate in c#


My source :


            map = new mapobj(@"C:\Fichier.map");




            string str = null;

            string[] names = null, values = null; 


            names = new string[] {"map" };

            values = new string[] { @"C:\Fichier.map" };


            str = map.processLegendTemplate(names, values, names.Length);




Error :


{"msFreeHashItems(): Hash table error. Can't free NULL
table;msFreeHashItems(): Hash table error. Can't free NULL
table;msFreeHashItems(): Hash table error. Can't free NULL table"}



Thanks for your help.


 <mailto:jmp at geosys.com> Jean-michel PIERRET - Poste  376

Tel : +33 (0)5 62 47 80 76
Mail :  <mailto:jmp at geosys.com> jmp at geosys.com




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