Estimate number of active/registered MapServer users/developers

Gambin Dejan Dejan.Gambin at PULA.HR
Fri Apr 13 01:05:28 PDT 2007


Of course I  will talk about the MapServer quality and not the quantity,
that is why I go to the conference. I will also present them my
implementations, alive. The numbers are just an additional information
that people always like to hear, nothing so important, I can't stay
without it anyway.


regards, dejan

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thy, Kristian [mailto:Kristian.Thy at] 
> Sent: Friday, April 13, 2007 9:55 AM
> Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Estimate number of 
> active/registered MapServer users/developers
> From: Gambin Dejan
> > I think I have incorrectly expressed myself. I was thinking on any 
> > "numbers" (statistical data or something like that) that could 
> > encourage people to seriously think about the MapServer 
> alternative if 
> > they ever decide to implement a WebGIS solution (for example the 
> > number of members in the lists, the number of downloads as you 
> > suggested, or even better some relative numbers that show the 
> > MapServer growth in time).
> Numbers mean little here IMHO. Would you eat at McDonald's 
> because lots of other people do? Go for the qualitative 
> instead of the quantitative; have a look at 
> for some great examples. Unfortunately, I don't think 
> MapServer has case studies like PostGIS's, which I found 
> immensely useful as a presentational aid. I'd love to be 
> proven wrong, though :)
> best regards,
> Kristian
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