MapServer 4.10.1 Memory Leak still exists

Umberto Nicoletti umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM
Wed Apr 18 23:57:52 PDT 2007

how many layers do you have on your map and which kind are they
(shape, oracle, spatial, postigs, etc)?

If, by chance, you had a linux mapserver installation it would help if
you could run valgrind (a memory leak detector for Linux) on the map
file with the following command:

valgrind --show-reachable=yes --leak-check=full ./shp2img -m -o ~/Desktop/test.png

and post the output.


On 4/19/07, David Martin <david at> wrote:
> I have been testing MS 4.10.0 and 4.10.1 and have found that the Memory
> Leak issue identifed in 4.10.0 still exists in 4.10.1 when running the C#
> mapserver dlls and Mapscript.
> Now I am using for the code development. I have released the code
> live today and found it ran for 30mins before it consumed over 1Gb of system
> memory. The code I am using is as follows:
> There are two subs that inerface to MS one to display images and the other
> to process form data and run a query:
>     Private Sub DisplayImage(ByVal RefineImage As Boolean)
>         Dim imageLoc, RefimageLoc As String
>         If RefineImage Then
>             ' This is a refined query - show number of results to the screen and
> also the refined map
>             imageLoc = "/Uploads/iMapPlot/tmp/" & Math.Abs(Now.ToBinary)
> & ".gif"
>             RefimageLoc = "/Uploads/iMapPlot/tmp/Ref" & Math.Abs
> (Now.ToBinary) & ".gif"
>             MSMap = New mapObj(MapFile())
>             MSMap.setExtent(CurrentExtent.minx, CurrentExtent.miny,
> CurrentExtent.maxx, CurrentExtent.maxy)
>             Dim Refineimg As imageObj
>             Dim Referenceimg As imageObj
>             If MapLayers <> "" Then
>                 Dim layerElements As String() = Split(MapLayers, ",")
>                 Dim layer As String
>                 Dim lyr As layerObj
>                 For Each layer In layerElements
>                     lyr = MSMap.getLayerByName(layer)
>                     lyr.status = STATUS_VALUES.MS_ON
>                     If layer = "Places" Then
>                = "..\ExplorOz\Places\" & PlacesPOIName
>                         Dim sty As styleObj = lyr.getClass(0).getStyle(0)
>                         sty.setSymbolByName
> (MSMap, "../../Images/PointPlace/symbols/" & PlacesPOIImage & ".gif")
>                     End If
>                 Next
>             End If
>             Refineimg = MSMap.draw
>   , Nothing)
>             Refineimg.Dispose()
>             Referenceimg = MSMap.drawReferenceMap
>   , Nothing)
>             Referenceimg.Dispose()
>             CurrentExtent.maxx = MSMap.extent.maxx
>             CurrentExtent.minx = MSMap.extent.minx
>             CurrentExtent.maxy = MSMap.extent.maxy
>             CurrentExtent.miny = MSMap.extent.miny
>             MSMap.Dispose()
>             MainMap.Src = imageLoc
>             refimg.Src = RefimageLoc
>         Else
>             imageLoc = "/Uploads/iMapPlot/Cache/" & Replace(Mid(MapFile,
> InStrRev(MapFile, "\") + 1), ".map", "_" & Replace(MapLayers, ",", "") &
> PlacesPOIName & ".gif")
>             RefimageLoc = "/Uploads/iMapPlot/Cache/Ref" & Replace(Mid(MapFile,
> InStrRev(MapFile, "\") + 1), ".map", "_" & Replace(MapLayers, ",", "") &
> PlacesPOIName & ".gif")
>             If Not System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(imageLoc)) Or Not
> System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(RefimageLoc)) Then
>                 Dim img As imageObj
>                 Dim Referenceimg As imageObj
>                 MSMap = New mapObj(MapFile())
>                 If MapLayers <> "" Then
>                     Dim layerElements As String() = Split(MapLayers, ",")
>                     Dim layer As String
>                     Dim lyr As layerObj
>                     For Each layer In layerElements
>                         lyr = MSMap.getLayerByName(layer)
>                         lyr.status = STATUS_VALUES.MS_ON
>                         If layer = "Places" Then
>                    = "..\ExplorOz\Places\" & PlacesPOIName
>                             Dim sty As styleObj = lyr.getClass(0).getStyle(0)
>                             sty.setSymbolByName
> (MSMap, "../../Images/PointPlace/symbols/" & PlacesPOIImage & ".gif")
>                         End If
>                     Next
>                 End If
>                 img = MSMap.draw
>       , Nothing)
>                 img.Dispose()
>                 Referenceimg = MSMap.drawReferenceMap
>       , Nothing)
>                 Referenceimg.Dispose()
>                 MSMap.Dispose()
>             End If
>             MainMap.Src = imageLoc
>             refimg.Src = RefimageLoc
>         End If
>         map.Value = MapFile()
>         layer.Value = MapLayers
>     End Sub
>     Private Sub Query()
>         Dim result As Integer
>         Dim lyr As layerObj
>         MSMap = New mapObj(MapFile())
>         lyr = MSMap.getLayerByName(SearchLayer)
>         MSMap.setExtent(CurrentExtent.minx, CurrentExtent.miny,
> CurrentExtent.maxx, CurrentExtent.maxy)
>         If SearchLayer = "Places" Then = "..\ExplorOz\Places\" &
> PlacesPOIName
>         Dim s As New System.Text.StringBuilder
>         result = lyr.queryByRect(MSMap, CurrentExtent)
>         If result = RESULT_CODE.MS_SUCCESS Then
>             Dim resCache As resultCacheObj = lyr.getResults
>             If resCache.numresults > 0 Then
>                 Dim shp As shapeObj
>                 Dim fName As String
>                 NumResults = resCache.numresults
>                 For i As Integer = 0 To resCache.numresults - 1
>                     shp = lyr.getFeature(resCache.getResult(i).shapeindex,
> resCache.getResult(i).tileindex)
>                     For iItem As Integer = 0 To lyr.numitems - 1
>                         fName = lyr.getItem(iItem)
>                         If fName = "ID" Then s.Append(shp.getValue(iItem) & ",")
>                     Next
>                     shp.Dispose()
>                 Next
>                 If s.Length > 1 Then s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1)
>                 lyr.close()
>             End If
>             'If SearchLayer = "Places" Then
>             '    Response.Write(NumResults)
>             '    Response.Write("<br />" & s.ToString)
>             '    Exit Sub
>             'End If
>             lyr.Dispose()
>             MSMap.Dispose()
> End Sub
> You will see that I dispose every element I create, this has been tried on two
> servers (and the production system - dual cpu, 2GB ram) - I do stress the
> application with hundreds of users per hour. The exception thrown is as
> follows:
> Server Error in '/' Application.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----
> msLoadMap(): Memory allocation error.
> Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the
> current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about
> the error and where it originated in the code.
> Exception Details: System.ApplicationException: msLoadMap(): Memory
> allocation error.
> [ApplicationException: msLoadMap(): Memory allocation error. ]
>    mapObj..ctor(String filename) +54
>    MapSearch.Query() +52
>    MapSearch.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) +284
>    System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +99
>    System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +47
>    System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean
> includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +1061
> Any thoughts or help on this would be great, I have invested a heap of time
> on this interface and do not want to go back to calling the cgi system as it is
> slower - I am using the pre-compiled binaries in the MS4W package as
> downloaded two days ago.
> David Martin

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