MapServer 5.0-beta6 released

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM
Wed Aug 29 12:56:44 PDT 2007

Hi everyone,

MapServer 5.0.0-beta6 has just been released. The source package is 
available at:

The page above also contains links to binary distributions. They should 
be updated with binaries for this beta in the next few days.

I think we're on schedule to have a release candidate next week. Thanks 
a lot to all those who have tested previous betas and have reported 
their results, either via the list or directly in Trac (bug tracker). 
That helps a lot... please keep testing and sending feedback.

The complete list of changes/fixes since beta5 is included at the bottom 
of this email.

As was mentioned before, we plan to have one beta per week until the 
final release of MapServer 5.0 which is planned for the week of 
September 12, 2007. More details can be found in the 5.0 release plan at


Version 5.0.0-beta6 (2007-08-29)

- Fixed problem with outline of polygons rendered twice with OGR
   STYLEITEM AUTO and AGG output (#2271)

- Fixed problem compiling with only WMS/WFS client but none of the
   WMS, WFS, WCS or SOS server options enabled (#2272)

- Fixed buffer overflow in handling of WMS SRS=AUTO:... (#1824)

- AGG: render thick lines and polygon outlines with round caps and joins
   by default

- Typo in mapfile writing (#2267)

- Fixed mapping of class->keyimage in PHP MapScript (#2268)

- Look for libagg under lib64 subdir as well in configure (#2265)

- AGG: revert previous optimizations. now use caching of the rendering 
   to avoid the re-creation of some structures each time a shape is drawn

- AGG: optimizations for faster rendering. we now do not initialize the font
   cache when no text is to be rendered

- AGG: fixed rendering of polygons with holes (#2264)

- AGG - raster layers: fix typo in mapresample.c that produced random
   background colors when using OFFSITE (#2263)

- AGG: Fix a bug when rendering tiled polygons with truetype, pixmap or
   vector symbols (usually only affected bright colors)

- Avoid passing null to msInsertHashTable in processLegendTemplate
   when or not specified (#2261)

- Fixed problems with fonts in PDF output (#2142)

- AGG: smooth font shadows

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