php_mapscript: php as cgi required?

Ben Tuttle funkbucket at GMAIL.COM
Thu Aug 30 15:59:09 PDT 2007

On 8/29/07, Sven Schulz <Sven.Schulz-2 at> wrote:
> hi there,
> i´m about to set up a new server (most recent versions of all
> components). is it still required to build php as cgi for the
> php-mapscript module? or can i use the phpmod for apache coming with
> distribution (opensuse 10.2)?

We have modphp on a RedHat server, we have run into some problems that
we think are related to modphp and mapscript, however, we have not
been able to absolutely attribute the problems to modphp/mapscript
yet. We have been using ruby as a cgi very successfully. So no
gaurauntee you will have problems with modphp, we are still trying to
determine the exact cause of our problems, but as Gregor said if you
want to be safe stick with cgi.

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