php_mapscript: php as cgi required?

Gregor Mosheh gregor at HOSTGIS.COM
Wed Aug 29 13:58:04 PDT 2007

Sven Schulz wrote:
> i´m about to set up a new server (most recent versions of all 
> components). is it still required to build php as cgi for the 
> php-mapscript module? or can i use the phpmod for apache coming with 
> distribution (opensuse 10.2)?

I ask this question every few months, and I get the same result each 
time: "Your mileage may vary." It works great for some folks (especially 
under Windows) but crashes and burns for others, and works fine "until" 
for others.

Personally, I find the performance as a CGI to be quite acceptable, so I 
stick with what's known safe. Last thing I need is for some error to 
popup up a week, a month, six months, down the line.

Gregor Mosheh / Greg Allensworth
System Administrator, HostGIS cartographic development & hosting services

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