How-to modify DATA in LAYER with PHP mapscript?

Dave Nuttall dnuttall at DNLT.COM
Sat Dec 22 18:38:15 PST 2007

I've been able to generate a map using the OGR CONNECTIONTYPE to pull data
from a MySQL table.

Each record contains the geometry and extents and I've figured out how to
set the  extents before drawing the map.  However, if I could dynamically
modify the DATA element of a layer's CONNECTION, the end result would be
much better.

When I dump the $map array, I don't see an element that corresponds to the
CONNECTIONTYPE or the DATA string for the OGR connection.

I'd be grateful if someone could post the equivalent to what I use to change
the EXTENT for the current map.  I use something like this:
   // then show the result

I'm terribly illiterate when it comes to O-O stuff, so if you care to help,
the more explanation the better for me!!!

Thanks in advance.
Dave Nuttall
San Antonio, Texas

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