Projection problem Mapserver/Geoserver/Geotools

Wim Blanken w.blanken at GEON.NL
Mon Feb 12 22:23:58 PST 2007

Hello List,


Maybe a bit off topic but I cannot choose one simple list for this one...


The following projection problem. In the Netherlands we have a projection
system that is based on double_stereographic (sterea).

In the proj list there was a flaw with the settings for the EPSG:28992 code.
I did not see it until I played around with google earth in combination with

The alignment is wrong (about 80 meters north and twenty east)

I believe Jan Hartman from the Netherlands also encountered this problem. In
mapserver It can easily be repaired by changing the +proj=stere with


So the proj string becomes:



# Amersfoort / RD New

<28992> +proj=sterea +lat_0=52.15616055555555 +lon_0=5.38763888888889
+k=0.999908 +x_0=155000 +y_0=463000 +ellps=bessel +units=m
03473836068,4.0812 +no_defs <>



But Geoserver does not use these proj settings. It uses a WKT list. Has
anybody any ideas about changing the settings below as that it is the same
as the proj. string above? By changing the false easting and northing
parameters I can align them reasonably good., But I think that is not the
solution. Is it?



28992=PROJCS["Amersfoort / RD





Wim Blanken

The Netherlands

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