'CGI Request 1 on process xxxx" in capabilities response on IIS

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at DUIF.NET
Thu Feb 22 08:34:01 EST 2007

Hi List,

on a development machine I have mapserver (ms4w) up and running in Apache.

On that same machine I want to run the same mapserver in IIS. After some 
fiddling  with virtual directories (pointing to the ms4w directories) 
alsmost everything seems to work (aka I receive images in a openlayers 

But when I want to use qgis for looking at wms-layers the getCapabilties 
requests fail because on the last line of the (normal) xml output there 
is a line saying:
"CGI Request 1 on process 4068 9"
last number of course changing) The qgis parser is choking on that line.

CGI Request 1 on process 4068

Tried googling for this line, as I think it has something to do with IIS 
writing stuff for the log to the stdout or so, but could not find something.

Somebody seen this before? So everything is working fine, but I like to 
use qgis for looking at my mapfiles so much...

TIA & groeten


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