[Fwd: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] login values]
Stephen Woodbridge
Mon Jan 8 18:59:31 PST 2007
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Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
Thank you Steve, I understand the concept of including a file (only from
version 4.10)
but I am trying to say something like
CONNECTION "dbname=thedatabase user=theuser host=localhost
DATA "gis_ngr from (select gis_ngr,gid,name from
county_outline_table ) as foo using srid=27700 using unique gid"
How do I define the strings like 'thedatabase' or theuser ?
> How about a Mapfile INCLUDE "password.txt"?
> -Steve W
> Dave Potts wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> I have a several .map files, each layer defines a postgis connection
string. Which means everytime I want to change the access password, I
have to update 20 diferent lines of code.
>> Is there anyway of defining a password string outside of the .map file ?
>> Dave.
David Potts
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