Tileinidex cannot be used for CGI controls

Marc Jacquin marc.jacquin at MAGELLIUM.FR
Wed Jan 10 05:32:30 PST 2007

Thanks Steve and best wishes to everyone for 2007.


Frank, it seems that you included this update (TILEINDEX in loadLayerString)
in FWTools 1.1.3 version dated January 5th 2007. Can you confirm ?


On another hand, it seems that for some FWTools versions (1.1.3 at least)
JPEG rendering does not work -zero size image- (JPEG only, PNG/GIF is OK),
with no error message in debug.


Any idea?


Finally has FWTools 1.1.3 been validated on W2003 server R2? I could not get
my own Mapserver version running on W2003 server (compiled with VS 2005 and
FWTools libs). 










-----Message d'origine-----
De : UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] De la
part de Steve Lime
Envoyé : jeudi 28 décembre 2006 18:56
Objet : Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Tileinidex cannot be used for CGI controls


Hi Marc: I'll fix in the main CVS branch and the 4.10 branch. I suspect

I didn't include it because

I couldn't think of a reason one would want to change it, but obviously

you have one... ;-)




>>> Marc Jacquin <marc.jacquin at MAGELLIUM.FR> 12/28/2006 11:17 AM >>>

Hi all,




I guess I found an omission in CGI controls:

&map_layer_tileindex=myshapeindex.shp does not render anything.




Checking the loadLayerString function in mapfile.c, it appears that the


TILEINDEX is missing. 




Just adding:




  case (TILEINDEX) :  




    layer->tileindex = strdup(value);






somewhere after the TEMPLATE case (just for ABC reasons) solves it.




It seems to be missing even for 4.10 version.




My 2 cents? :-) 

















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