Mapscript and changes in the mapfile

Luca Casagrande luca.casagrande at GMAIL.COM
Fri Jan 19 08:08:30 PST 2007

Hi to all!

I use mapscript just to add a certain layer in a mapfile.
Those are the lines:

        $layer = ms_newLayerObj($map);
        $layer->set('name', "voronoi");
        $layer->set('status', MS_DEFAULT );
        $layer->set('connection', $output[0]);
        $layer->set('type', MS_LAYER_POLYGON);
        $class = ms_newClassObj($layer);
        $style = ms_newStyleObj($class);

If i save the modified mapfile, all seem fine except that i see those lines
in my web section:

    QUERYFORMAT text/html
    LEGENDFORMAT text/html
    BROWSEFORMAT text/html

They weren't in the original mapfile and if i don't comment them,
shp2img stops with this error:

loadWeb(): Unknown identifier. Parsing error near (LEGENDFORMAT):(line
112) <br>

Thanks for your help

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