Does the current SDE driver in MapServer support logical and regular expressio

Andreas Albarello andreas.albarello at TERRITORIUMONLINE.COM
Sat Jan 27 00:44:55 PST 2007

Hong wrote:
> Then I guess I had the expression wrong then, here was the layer I had been
> trying to display with multiple classifications:
> LAYER # 9
>     NAME "Census Groups"[...]


>     CLASSITEM "POP2000"
>     CLASS
>         EXPRESSION "[POP2000] >= 0 AND [POP2000] <= 400"
>         STYLE
>             COLOR 112 247 38
>         END
>     END



your expressions are syntactically correct, you only need to wrap them 
in brackets instead of quotes, so they are actually considered as 
expressions and not as strings.

EXPRESSION ([POP2000] >= 0 AND [POP2000] <= 400)

should therefore just work fine.

Best regards,
Andreas Albarello
Analysis & SW Development

Territorium Online srl/GmbH
Via Buozzi/Buozzistraße 12 - I 39100 Bolzano/Bozen
email: andreas.albarello at

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