updating Proj's epsg list

anthony farrant anthony.k.farrant at GMAIL.COM
Sun Jun 3 13:15:04 EDT 2007

Hello people,

I'm having a pretty hard time so I hope you wouldn't mind if I ask the
community a question on sunday.

I just installed mapserver/mapscript from source on debian (ouf) and am trying
to install chameleon but I keep getting projection error messages.

> msProcessProjection(): no options found

I looked in the
epsg file and indeed the projection from the sample applications was not there
(epsg:42304). The version of proj however is the latest.

So I copied the file from my ms4w installation on to my Deb server. But no, that
didn't do it.

> msProcessProjection(): no searchlist found

My question: How should one proceed to update the epsg file, or to
force the proj
library or mapserver to take into account the new epsg file?

Thanks in advance,


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