H Garcia helenagarcia at GRUPOTECOPY.ES
Fri Jun 8 06:54:29 EDT 2007

Thanks both for your answers. Finally I try Steve's option and I configurate
Mapserver mapfile to make the transformation. However, I found two problems:

* First, I'd like to transform from ms:my_layer_name to ns:Entity, but this
parameter is directly extracted from the NAME parameter in the mapfile LAYER
object, so I think that if I want ns:Entity, my layer has to name
"Entity"... Is it any parameter I could configurate to fix this? Or am I wrong?

* Second, the schema I want my response to fix has mandatory fields that I
can't extract from database, but whose value remains always the same. Is it
any parameter I could add to insert in the response a default value for
these tags?

Thanks in advance!!

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