Mapserver Development Environments?

percy percyd at PDX.EDU
Wed Jun 13 07:29:48 PDT 2007

p.mapper is a very nice modern "mapping framework" (that's what I refer 
to these applications in my talks on the subject)
and then there's our own Map-Fu.

Steve Lime wrote:
> You'd think that would be easy to find wouldn't you. The best that exists is:
> There really should be a "Client Software" section but there isn't (yet) so the various links are scattered about the utilities section.
> There are some important omissions:
>   - CartoWeb (
>   - MapBender ( - OGC-based but can use MapServer services)
>   - Mapbuilder ( - also OGC-based)
>   - ka-map ( - Google-style mapping)
>   - OpenLayers ( - more Google-style mapping)
>   - msCross (
>   - GeoMoose ( - a new one from the City of St. Paul)
> and I bet I'm missing a couple of others.
> Steve
David Percy
Geospatial Data Manager
Geology Department
Portland State University

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