mapserver segfaults on x68_64 intel xeon

Alessandro Pasotti ale.pas at TISCALI.IT
Fri Mar 2 03:34:15 PST 2007

Il 12:10, venerdì 2 marzo 2007, Umberto Nicoletti ha scritto:
> Can you send the distint values upon which the style info is built?


it's a mapinfo tab

> I wouldn't be surprised if one of those ha
> d non-ascii characters! 

Well, this doesn't seems to be the case, it segafults even when there are only 
ASCII characters.

If I comment #STYLEITEM "AUTO" ms doesn't segfault.

The problem is definitely with STYLEITEM "AUTO", but as I said in my other 
post, this works fine on my testing machine.

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - "Open Solutions for the Net Age"
Linux User# 167502

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