beginner: text region polyline point from MapInfo
Julien Buratto
mapserver at LINKAS.IT
Fri Mar 2 05:31:02 PST 2007
I've converted all my TAB files from MapInfo to a ESRI Shape file and,
for each TAB file, I got 4 sub-file:
For eachone MapInfo generated .dbf, .prj .shp and .shx files.
I was able to recompose the image using ogrtindex and then tiling,
that is making and index with all the *_region.shp files.
What I'd like to understand, is what exacly those 4 files rappresents.
For example, does the _text rappresent the name of things inside the map ?
PS: Thanks to all that yesterday gave me so great suggestions! I had
really appreciated the idea of tiling layers and the right way to get
the EXTENT value!
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