Query in multiple layers

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Mon Mar 5 16:05:21 PST 2007

How you do something like this depends on how you want the end product to look and what technologies you're willing to use to get there. There is no way to do this with a single query. Using MapScript will certainly work and allows everything to be done on the server-side. Alternatively you could use AJAX to get at the properties of the points, stuffing the subsequent results into a div below the line information. Could perhaps even IFRAMEs in the template to display the sites where the source of each IFRAME is a MapServer query. I would think the MapScript approach would be the most straight forward.


>>> On 3/5/2007 at 11:22 AM, in message
<75404C7727619C4E81A6DABE442E42DDB16CD1 at S4DE9JSAANL.ost.t-com.de>, "Schnitter,
Stefan" <Stefan.Schnitter at T-SYSTEMS.COM> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have the following problem: I'd like to do a itemnquery with a certain
> qstring. From the resulting objects I'd like to take some features and
> query those in another layer. Example: I have a layer with line-objects
> and those objects have ID, SITEA and SITEB. Then I have a site layer
> (points) that contain those site names as Ids. I would like to display a
> line with a given ID and display the two sites of that line, too. Is
> this somehow possible in one query or do I have to use some
> php/mapscript?
> Many TIA,
>  Stefan

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