Empty image from WMS

Deb Sikora debbie.sikora at MAPINFO.COM
Fri Mar 9 14:49:25 PST 2007

Hello again list.

I finally got my raster image displayed correctly on my local development 
machine, thanks to your help, but now I tried getting the whole thing up and 
running on a Windows 2003 server (via VMWare), and I'm just getting a blank 

I can't use port 80 for Apache, so I changed the httpd.conf file to use port 
8088.  The Itasca demo works fine, so it appears that everything is ok with 
MapServer, but the WMS isn't displaying my raster layer.  I have the exact 
same .map file and .png/.pgw files as on my local machine, and am using the 
exact same WMS request (with the exception of specifying port 8088) so I 
don't know why this isn't working.  I also ran gdalinfo against my image, just to 
make sure all the information was the same as it is on my machine (that 
nothing got lost in the ftp process), and indeed it was.  I'm using the ms4w 
installation, version 2.2.2.

If anyone can offer any suggestions, I would be extremely grateful!  Of 
course, I'm under a serious time crunch, which is why I've resorted to 
bothering all of you fine people.

Thank you very much in advance!

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