document.mapserv.submit(); problems in javascript

Umberto Nicoletti umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM
Wed Mar 14 09:42:59 PDT 2007

document.rv is used in js to access a form called mapserv.

Pay attention NOT to have another document element called mapserv or
whose id is mapserv. The browser dunnows which one to pick and will
return undef.

This has bitten me in the past too...


On 3/14/07, Ian Maxfield <ian.maxfield at> wrote:
> Many thanks to those who gave solutions to problems that I was having with
> javascript.  The error console in Firefox has proved particularly useful in
> identifying and fixing problems.
> The only message that I now currently have from the error console is:
> ' document.mapserv.submit is not a function '
> I understand that this is the script to force mapserve to refresh within
> javascript.  In all the examples I have seen on the the net the code above
> is perfectly valid - I cannot see why I should have an error using this code.
> Can anyone shed any light on this??
> Thanks,
> Ian

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