MapServer performance

Rahkonen Jukka Jukka.Rahkonen at MMMTIKE.FI
Mon Mar 26 03:26:35 PDT 2007

My test system has 3 GHz prosessor and 1 GB of memory.  I have on an external Firewire 400 unit worth 2 TB of imagery, consisting or individual 300 MB GeoTIFF images.  Those are uncompressed and with overviews, but untiled.  I have made layers out of those by creating tileindices. When I run test with Jmeter by sending simple, unique WMS request hitting 1-4 original GeoTIFF files the throughput is around 200 requests per minute.  The size of the output image is 500 by 500 pixels and the requests are tuned to suit the original resolution.
I have been thinking that this is close to the most simple way of using Mapserver so the throughput should be about  the best possible with this setup.  In my case tiling might help a bit but having overviews is unnecessary because I am hitting always the full resolution.
Perhaps you could make some very basic and strictly controlled performance test like this so you could measure in a somehow reliable way the maximum performance you could have now?  If performance with simple WMS or direct Mapserver cgi calls is better than you experience now then I guess the bottle neck could be the application.
-Jukka Rahkonen-


Lähettäjä: UMN MapServer Users List puolesta: antti siukola
Lähetetty: ma 19.3.2007 18:21
Aihe: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] MapServer performance


This might have been answered several times but here goes. I have some
performance problems when mapserver (GD) produces map images (jpeg).
It shows as apache takes about 80-90% of cpu time when there's just
about a dozen users online. Are there any tips and tricks for this?

Thanks in advance!

Antti S

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