MapServer performance

antti siukola siukola.antti at GMAIL.COM
Tue Mar 27 03:51:26 PDT 2007


I finally got some specs for our server. We have an vmware Virtual
infrastructure 3 with fysical hardware of Dell PE 6850 dual dual-core
cpu with 12 GB of RAM. Hard drives are EMC CX3-20 SAN system. And the
system allocates 1GB RAM for us.

Antti S

On 3/27/07, Romolo Manfredini <romoloman at> wrote:
> From: "Rahkonen Jukka"
> > My test system has 3 GHz prosessor and 1 GB of memory.  I have on an
> external Firewire 400 unit worth 2 TB of imagery, consisting or
> > individual 300 MB GeoTIFF images.  Those are uncompressed and with
> overviews, but untiled.  I have made layers out of those by creating
> > tileindices. When I run test with Jmeter by sending simple, unique WMS
> request hitting 1-4 original GeoTIFF files the throughput is around 200
> > requests per minute.  The size of the output image is 500 by 500 pixels
> and the requests are tuned to suit the original resolution.
> You can try performing Jmeter test against a very simple php script that
> output a map, so you can understand the phpmapscript overhead.
> I'm not in condition to perform such a test on my high-end server and the
> test server is really downsized so i would not take my results as reliable,
> sorry.
> Romolo Manfredini

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