Randy How - out of the office - Auto Reply

Randy How rhow at I3.COM
Thu Mar 29 09:26:10 PDT 2007

Thank you for your correspondance.  To let you know I'll be out of the
office until Monday, June 6th.  If you need an immediate reply please
contact Russ Cowart ( <mailto:rcowart at i3.com> rcowart at i3.com) or Yusuf
Siddiqui ( <mailto:ysiddiqui at i3.com> ysiddiqui at i3.com).
Randy How
Randy How 

Geospatial Applications Developer
rhow at i3.com  <mailto:rhow at i3.com> 
Voice: +1-970-482-4400
Fax: +1-970-482-4499
Web: www.i3.com  <http://www.i3.com/> 

201 Linden, Third Floor    	
Fort Collins, CO 80524    	
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