Tiled datasets with OGR

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM
Thu Mar 29 11:00:36 PDT 2007

Um... not sure why the STYLEITEM AUTO would not work with a tiled OGR 
layer, but anyway, a workaround for this issue would be to convert your 
tiled TAB files to a Seamless TAB Dataset using MapInfo. Seamless Tables 
are similar to tiled dataset, but the tiling is handled in the MapInfo 
driver inside OGR so MapServer sees the seamless table as a single 
MapInfo file. Then you'd just point to the seamless table (.tab file) in 
the CONNECTION string and STYLEITEM AUTO should work.


Roland Martin wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having a bit of trouble with a tiled dataset - I suspect there's a 
> number of things at play, so I'll phrase this as a question!
> Is it possible to tile MapInfo TABs; display them as a single layer in 
> MapServer; and still use 'STYLEITEM AUTO'?
> I've managed the first 2 without any problems, by storing the tiles as a 
> shapefile, but the styling wasn't working ("not available for this 
> datasource" or somesuch). I then tried using a TAB as the TILEINDEX, but 
> that didn't seem to be working at all (not clear if this was a MapServer 
> or OGR problem though).
> So, am I missing something here, or is it not possible?
> Thanks for your help,
> Roland.

Daniel Morissette

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