error en mapserv?

Tim Bowden tim.bowden at WESTNET.COM.AU
Fri Mar 30 01:55:48 PDT 2007

On Thu, 2007-03-29 at 14:24 -0500, Eduardo Arévalo wrote:
> Hello List: There am instaldo mapserver-4.8 in Linux. the moment for
> doing tests:
> it does not leave the mesaje to me: Not query information to decode.
> QUERY_STRING is Seth, but empty.
> help please

If you're not getting this message, what does the url return?  Have you
copied the mapserv cgi application to the correct location?

What message do you get when you run it from the command line
(./mapserv)?  You should get:

This script can only be used to decode form results and 
should be initiated as a CGI process via a httpd server.

Tim Bowden

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