Mapserver/GDAL/Raster display configuration

Ryan Dunn ryan.mapserver at GMAIL.COM
Wed May 2 14:14:03 EDT 2007

I've tried to get mapserver up and running with GDAL to display a raster
image from a php webpage but have been largely unsuccessful.  This post will
be relatively long as I describe all that I've tried to do to get it
working.  My development platform is Fedora Core 6.

First I tried all the needed packages obtained from the Fedora
repositories.  I ran in to issues with php and gd not cooperating.  So I
downloaded php from and built from source (v5.2.1).

After php was installed and operational, I tried to get mapserver running (
v4.10.1).  After I successfully built (with config options --without-pdf
--with-httpd=/usr/sbin/httpd --with-php=/usr/local/src/php-5.2.1 --with-proj
--with-gdal), I copied the file to the php modules
direcotry.  I started receiving errors along the lines of no output format
for GTIFF ( I appologies for the vagueness, but I didn't write it down and I
don't remember what it specifically was).

Next, I downloaded from source GDAL and built it (with config options
--with-png --with-jpeg --with-gif --with-libtiff --with-hdf4 --with-hdf5
--with-jasper --with-mysql).  Then I did a make install and rebuild
mapserver with the option --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config.  I also
copied over the new php_mapscript.  At this point, I am still unable to draw
a singular raster image with mapserver.  My exact error message is:

*Warning*: [MapServer Error]: msDrawMap(): Failed to draw layer named
'TestLayer'. in */var/www/html/ryan/test.php* on line *9*

*Warning*: [MapServer Error]: msDrawRaster(): (/usr/share/images/test.png)
in */var/www/html/ryan/test.php* on line *9*

I've tried an older version of GDAL (1.4.0) with the same results.  gdalinfo
correctly opens and displays info on my image file, resolution and type

Here is my php file:



$map = ms_newMapObj($map_path."");


        <IMG SRC=<?php echo $image_url; ?> >

and here is my mapfile:
    Status On
    Imagetype PNG
    Size 800 600
    Extent -82 40 -80 42 #example location
    Units dd

        Imagepath "/var/www/html/ryan/map/"
        Imageurl "/ryan/map/"

        Name "TestLayer"
        Type Raster
        Status On
        Data "/usr/share/images/test.png"

        Name png
        Driver "GD/PNG"
        Mimetype "image/png"
        ImageMode RGB
        Extension "png"


I am at the end of my rope trying to get this to work.  If anyone can
provide any direction, I would greatly appreciate any insight.

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