POST request using CGI returns error

Jason M Sievers j_siever at YAHOO.COM
Wed May 2 15:14:36 EDT 2007

Hey all.  I am using version 4.9cvs(FWTools1.3.0) of the CGI MapServer.  I
am able to send an HTTP GET request and get a map image from the MapServer
CGI just fine.  However I am not able to get this to work using a POST
request.  The error I get is 'loadMap(): Web application error.  CGI
variable "map" is not set.'  Code listings are below.

if (window.XMLHttpRequest) var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
else if (window.ActiveXObject) var oReq = new
ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');'POST', '../mapserver/FWTools1.3.0/bin/mapserv.exe', true);
oReq.onreadystatechange = function()
  if (oReq.readyState != 4) return;
  if (oReq.staus == 200) alert(oReq.responseText);
  else alert('A problem occurred while processing your request.');

The lines I've commented out are for the GET request that works.  Any
thoughts are greatly appreciated.


Jason Sievers
j_siever at

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