points disappearing on zoom

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Fri May 4 11:27:24 EDT 2007

Sure do. One of the projection guru's might need to chime in here. I see there's another post
with a similar theme that will be worth watching. Can you put together a test dataset?


>>> On 5/4/2007 at 2:25 AM, in message
<b1a282050705040025s7cdeed30u531a371c3d5f9154 at mail.gmail.com>, anthony farrant
<anthony.k.farrant at GMAIL.COM> wrote:
> Could this problem be due to the fact that I am using a polar projection?
> I have noticed that several OS desktop GIS have proven to have difficulties
> with these projections. DO you think that this could affect Mapserver's
> reprojection of the points on zoom?
> On 5/3/07, anthony farrant <anthony.k.farrant at gmail.com> wrote:
>> No the layer state is good since it shows some of the points.
>> To be precise I'm mapping Antarctica. When I zoom on Antarctica, the
>> region directly on the coast of Antarctica is devoid of points (which
>> should be there, since they were there on the first drawing) while on
>> the periphery there are still points. So it's shows the layer "on the
>> periphery of the zoom but not in the middle." When I pan or zoom
>> closer on a specific region the points reappear. So basically it's a
>> one unique level of zooming that part of the points disappear...
>> Does this make any sense? It's quite frustrating.
>> On 5/3/07, Steve Lime <Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us> wrote:
>> > The precision shouldn't matter, I mean it shows up once right? Also, "tend 
> to disappear" implies it sort of works but I would expect all or nothing. 
> Perhaps you can clarify.
>> >
>> > Any chance the layer state (on/off/default) isn't being maintained between 
> zooms?
>> >
>> > Steve
>> >
>> > >>> anthony farrant <anthony.k.farrant at GMAIL.COM> 05/03/07 8:58 AM >>>
>> > Hello Mapserver users,
>> >
>> > I have a problem. I'm creating shapefiles dynamically and using them
>> > with mapscript. Not only do I create the shapefile with shapefileObj
>> > but I also create the dbf file to give it attributes.
>> >
>> > The result is very nice until the moment I first zoom in. Then all
>> > points in the zoom scope tend to disappear! What despair!
>> >
>> > I'm at a loss as to what to do.
>> >
>> > I maybe should mention an oddity: in the DBF file, created through PHP
>> > functions, the latitude and longitude are given a precision of 1 even
>> > though I ask a precision of 10. It is given a precision of 1 *AND* the
>> > rest of the precision is zeroes. Could this affect Mapserver printing
>> > the points?
>> >
>> > Any help very welcome. Have a nice day,
>> >
>> >
>> > Anthony
>> >
>> >

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