non-tiff (24 bit?) raster layers in 4.10

Rahkonen Jukka Jukka.Rahkonen at MMMTIKE.FI
Mon May 7 12:52:12 PDT 2007


-----Original Message-----
From: UMN MapServer Users List on behalf of Frank Warmerdam
>Attila Csipa wrote:
>> Yes, upon checking it seems to be the issue, but is there a way to force the 
>> world file (plain jpeg misses it too) ? The funny part is that f.e. the PNG 
>> driver _does_ find the georeferencing info.

>Several of the drivers support creating worldfiles by giving the
>creation option WORLDFILE=YES.

Sometimes worldfiles can be a bit tricky to use because of their naming. I can't make a test right now, but I think that for .jp2 files worldfiles  named as .j2w style work nowadays in GDAL.  I am sure that they have not worked always , but they had to be renamed with a general gdal extension .wld.  Other drivers probably deal the same problem of not recognizing the world file extension.  Try renaming a world file that works with SOME format to .wld, .tfw and (first and third letter of image format extension)+w to see if some of them works with a new format.

You can also use free demo application kdu_compress (from for compressing geotiffs to jpeg2000.  It transfers all the GeoTiff information inside jpeg2000 file so that also GDAL can use it.  However, because it gives you free hands to adjust all jpeg2000 creation parameters it is a bit tricky to use.  Despite that the current executables of v. 5.2.5 have a bug which may lead to faulty jpeg2000 if the original tiff is band interleaved (which is GDAL default).  If geotiffs are pixel interleaved (created by using GDAL tiff creation option -co INTERLEAVE=PIXEL) then everything will go OK.  The bug is found and corrected in Kakadu source and next version of demo application should work reliably with band interleaved images as well. But I have heard that Kakadu jpeg2000 driver in GDAL has been improved lately, so perhaps you can do all you want by using it.  I have not yet tried it myself.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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