Result of Stored Procedures

H Garcia helenagarcia at GRUPOTECOPY.ES
Mon May 14 06:32:06 EDT 2007

Hi all!

I have a problem when I try to access a MySQL layer by means of an OGR
virtual data. The fact is that if I load data with 

<SrcSQL>select * from mytable</SrcSQL>

this returns all the rows I need.

But if I write a stored procedure such that it returns the same select *
from mytable, and then I load data with

<SrcSQL>CALL myStoredProcedure</SrcSQL>

 the result is just the first row in the table, although if I run this
stored procedure in MySQL the result is all the rows in the table.

I´ve seen that it´s neccessary to add FID tag in these cases, and so I´ve
done, but the result is the same.

What am I doing wrong? Thank you!

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